A Rant About Racism (...again)

I talked a little about racism recently in a blog post about netizens racist comments towards Ladies' Code, but I didn't say much.

I like to think I handle most people's comments pretty well, whether they be negative or positive (though usually they are negative). I know if I wait it out, eventually rude people dissapear, nicknames are forgotten, and all is well again.

However, one thing that I never seem to hear the end of are racist jokes. Even if all I do is breathe, there seems to be someone making fun of my race. 

A quick list of things I've been called/comments about my race in the past three weeks alone:

"crazy Jap"

"all I'm hearing is ching chong ching"

"squinty-eyed freak"

"do you eat dog?"

"ugh you are so asian"

"dumb gook"

"why do you act so asian?"

"so where are you from? Like, originally?"

"sorry, I don't want you driving, you probably can't see well with such small eyes"

"look I'm you!" *pulls corners of eyes*

"why are your people so weird?"

"but you don't look that asian"

"you're such a try-hard asian"

"I hate asians. Except you, you're okay I guess."  (people actually think this is a compliment)

"why do you sneeze so asian?" (Yes, I was actually asked why I sneeze so asian. No, I don't understand what their point was)


I didn't have as much problem a few years ago (I'm mixed race, so I don't have all the "asian" characteristics people expect) but after a heritage project sophmore year, these comments suddenly became an almost everyday thing.

I know I'm not the only who has to deal with racism and racist comments, and that I haven't had to deal with even half of what some people deal with. I don't know, maybe I'm being overdramatic, but lately I've just been getting so tired of these comments.

I can't stop people from being racist, as much as I wish. It's just so ridiculous though. Just because I'm not an "all-american girl" I'm made fun of every day. Not to mention all the slang terms for asians I've been called are in no way related to my actual race. I can tell people I'm Indonesian, and the reply will be "so you're Japanese. I knew it."


I know I'm probably preaching to the choir, as almost everyone I've ever met on here has been nothing but nice and accepting of everyone, but I have no one else to rant to. Of my two friends, one is no longer a friend as she makes fun of my race more than anyone else, and the other thinks I'm just being a baby about the whole thing.

Has anyone else had any experiences with racist jerks? If so, how have you dealt with them? Please, if you have any suggestions (besides ignoring them, that's what I've been trying to do >.<) comment. I'd love to hear how you handle the situation, if/when it occurs.





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b1acksharpi3mark3r #1
Eww that is not cool at all. Good for you for getting rid of the "friend" that doesn't respect you. You don't need that in your life.

As a fellow American, I know exactly what you mean about the racist comments. For some reason people here don't think it's bad to say derogatory things towards people of East Asian origin which is totally bogus.

Though I know that I can't completely empathize with you because I'm from a mixed white European ancestry, I have experienced discrimination through other means such as ism and homophobia ( and people think blond jokes are sooo funny. -rolls eyes- )

The only thing you can do is to be completely serious and confront whoever made the offensive joke or comment and tell them how hurtful that is to you. If they don't respect you or endeavor to abstain from those kinds of comments in the future, then you're better off without them in your life. You don't need people bringing you down. Find people who respect you and like you for you and stick to them.

Keep being an amazing person and have a wonderful day!
First of all, I am so sorry that those ignorant people harrass you so much. You shouldn't have to go through that.

Second, the way I see it, there is no race, or color, or gender even. I see everyone equally, and I have been raised that way my whole life. You could be a one eyed blue monkey its the intelegnece of a human,cand I would still treat you like a normal human being. So, this is my point:

I don't really get why people are like that.

What I can tell you(from experiences with dealing with my Asian friends) they literally just smile at them and say, "Bless your heart, you must have been raised in a barn." And walk away. (i'm from north Georgia, we tend to say that to people who spew stupid nonsense at us) either that, or they say " you" and give them the bird, but that doesn't always go down well. XD

Anywhore, I'm rambling but I just wanted you to know that you have every right to tell someone off if they continuelly say that to you on a daily basis. And I encourage you to do so!

Best of luck to you my dear. <3
I've had similar experiences when I was still in school. At the time, I hadn't fully realized how racist their comments were, but I still found them to be very annoying and rude as hell. In middle school, a lot of people refused to believe the fact that I was Asian. They always said things like, "But you don't look Asian!" or "You look Mexican/Hawaiian/XYZ, etc." Oh, and my personal /favorite/, "Are Filipinos even Asian?" When I got into high school, people were more a bit more open minded, but I still got the same racist bs comments. For example, "You're Filipino? So, do you like eat cats and dogs?" I remember there being a time when one of my classmates was tripped out by the fact that I was Filipino... though, in his defense, I think he was high at the time.

My advice to you: Set those people on fire.

But seriously though, I wish I did have real advice for you. People are... people are ed up. That's all I can say.
I've encountered racism like this before even though I may not be Asian (my friend is though) I really really dislike it, it's so annoying and makes people seem so ignorant to me.
I'm black and I really hate it when people think that it's funny to be rascist to me like no. I was in the car with two girls and their mom once and I was sitting in the backseat and one of the girls in the passenger seat in front of me. I don't remember how it got to this point but the girl in the front turned around and looked me in dead in the eyes and said "that's why you sitting in the back cuz you're black HAHAHAHHAHA" or the times when they called me the n-word cuz they thought it was cool or funny. I'm not friends with them anymore -.-
My Vietnamese friend likes to hangout with me after school and this other black girl who I'm friendly with sits with us. So I'll talk to my friend about whatever things (because I have no classes with her so this is like one of the few times we can talk) and the other girl says very hurtful comments like 'oh so you're going to talk to your Ling Lin friend instead of me" or "why dont you go back to China" like the ; that's so rude. But the funny part is the fact that the other girl never tries to talk to me when it's just the two of us. Some people are just rascist and they see nothing wrong with it, like they haven't offended anyone.

Anways this friend who makes hurtful comments to you isn't really your friend. If she/he were understanding that you just done say like that they wouldn't have even made the comment or continued saying upsetting things. Actually tbh ignoring problems is the least effective thing to do. You should defintely speak up and about it and just be honest with people. Like "its not funny and I don't appreciate what you say, it's disrespectful to me" things along those lines to get your point across