200 questions


I got bored yesterday and had this pulled as something to do so here it is. These things are weirdly fun.



My crush’s name is: I haven’t had an actual crush on a guy since the fifth grade. Lust? Absolutely, guys are so freaking pretty.

I was born in: A hospital…oh, you mean when? July 26 (Happy mutual B-Day, 5zic oppa!), 1992

I am really: easily distracted. Seriously, I think I probably should have been checked for ADHD but school was about the only thing I could focus on for more than 15 minutes at a shot. I just got distracted while sweeping my kitchen and started doing this…there is a lovely pile of dust in the middle of the room waiting to picked up…I’ll get there eventually.

My cellphone company is: My phone’s Mom is Samsung. His Employer? Verizon.

My eye color is: Hazel. Every person in my family has hazel eyes. On both sides. Its kinda of strange actually. Everyone’s have different colour variation. Dad? More brown. Mom? Green. Mine are Yellowy without make up but I have learned to make it change with the precise application of makeup.

My shoe size is: anywhere from an 8-11. I don’t understand shoe sizing…

My ring size is: 9

My height is: 5’7” almost 5’8” but I doubt I will continue to grow so, 5’7”. 170-172cm.

I am allergic to: Kitties :( and pollen.

My 1st car was: Barbie dream convertible count?

My 1st job was: I have never had a paying job.

Last book you read: Text books don’t count I assume? Um…I read “The Lion is in” just before school started back. I forget the author. I am currently reading “This is for the Mara Salvadora” for a Criminal Justice project.

My bed is: My best friend and most bitter enemy. I alternate between narcolepsy and insomnia.

My pet: Is far from me. My Buddy dog lives with my parents an hour away from my apartment. I rarely see him :(

My best friend: My Parents. We clash constantly but they are the only people I really trust and I can talk to my mom about anything.

My favorite shampoo is: Fekkai. The volumizing one. I have super fine hair and very little of it, it works for me. Also it smells like Juicy Fruit gum.

Xbox or ps3: PC. I don’t do console games unless I am playing with my former roomie (Xbox). I like them but I can’t bring myself to spend money on a console. That could buy me a lot of clothes and make-up.  I like PC games.

Piggy banks are: Cute. Mine is a Devil pig. I also have a tiny Lion one, cuz I’m a Leo.

In my pockets: nothing. I trained myself out of the habit of stick things besides my hands in my pocket since I always forget to check them before tossing them into the laundry. My cell if I am expecting a call or text and my ipod while in transit because the lightrail gets uncomfortable if you have to sit there staring at people in silence.

On my calendar: is a big desk blotter. I also have a planner for school work but I always forget to use them.

Marriage is: right for some people.

Spongebob can: Sing a mean Queen song.

My mom: Is awesome and the person I get all of my sarcasm and cynicism from.

The last three songs I bought were? : Paid money for?…U by John Park, Mirror Mirror by M2M (It was used in a fic I was reading and I liked it okay?), Blossom Tears by Lyn x “R”eo (I changed it and itunes changed it back. Seriously? Poor Lion.)

Last YouTube video watched: Grav3yardgirl’s DTTRW on the Phantom Saucer. I missed that one somehow.

How many cousins do you have? : 1st I assume? Like 10? I only interact with the two on my Mom’s side but my dad’s brothers all have multiple kids. Most of them have kids as well.

Do you have any siblings? : My mother considers my dog a son so him. And Daddy has two sons from his first marriage but I never met them and they haven’t spoken to him since they were teens, long before I was born. They don’t really count though. 

Are your parents divorced? : From each other? No. This is both of their second marriage, though. They are at 32 yrs now.

Are you taller than your mom?: Yes. Very much so and since my dad is doing the old man shrinking thing now I am creeping up on him to. (I’m kidding. Well, not really…he was 6’ he’s about 5’10” now. He’s the shortest of his brothers but the oldest.

Do you play an instrument?: Not anymore. Got bored. I played Keyboard and Guitar for a while each.

What did you do yesterday? : Shopping with the Mom :) We pined over Pier One, laughed at the crazy Arizonians buying sweaters because its Fall, and I particularly enjoyed cackling unhelpfully in the background because my Mom insisted on making the Starbucks order herself and struggled to order a pumpkin latte and my black iced coffee.  It was a good day.
[ I Believe In ]

Love at first sight: Lust, maybe.

Luck: Absolutely. My family is super lucky…if only it was the good kind. 

Fate: As a guideline, but we humans don’t like coloring in the lines so…


Yourself: I rock.


Aliens: *Shrug* I won’t say they don’t exist and I won’t say they do. I’d prefer not to look like an idiot if we ever find out.

Heaven: Sure


Hell: Well, if there is one…

God: Yes. Its religion I’m a bit iffy on.

Horoscopes: Sometimes.

Soul mates: I believe that there are people that fit in your life perfectly and make everything make sense (for good or bad).

Ghosts: Yes. Just, Yes.

Gay Marriage: Yes.

War: Has its place. 

Orbs: ? Like spheres? Do I believe in a specific 3 dimensional shape?  Yes?

Magic: I’m an Anthropology student, I believe in belief.

[ This or That ]

Hugs or Kisses: Neither. I don’t like the touchy-touchy. *shudders* Except my Parents and Grandparents, then BOTH!

Drunk or High: Neither. I mean if I had to choose…Drunk, but I don’t like the taste of alcohol and I have had enough experience with high because of medical issues (Doctors really like to throw meds at the confusing thing and hope it goes away)... Not fun.

Phone or Online: online. I think  talking to people on phone is creepy. I’m even uncomfortable talking to my parents on phones. I do better with strangers. Online or texting is better but still weird to me. I like seeing the human I am speaking to thank you very much.

Red heads or Black haired: I dye my dirty blonde hair, red. My natural hair colour washes me out. In terms of other people? I don’t have preferences.

Blondes or Brunettes: See above.

Hot or cold: Cold, I miss cold.

Summer or winter: Winter. I miss winter.

Autumn or Spring: Autumn. Oh, Fall…Yeah that one too.

Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla, if I have to choose one of them. Not a huge fan of either.

Night or Day: Night. But that might be the insomnia talking.

Oranges or Apples: Apples. Appsolutely :) Punny? Yes?

Curly or Straight hair: Both are awesome. Mine is just sort of both and neither and really frizzy.

McDonalds or Burger King: Nope. I guess BK because that is the only fast food I would eat as a kid but even then I didn’t like it.

White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: White or Dark for me. I don’t like milk chocolate much.

Mac or PC: PC. I just, Macs hate me. I hate them. The only apple product I can get to work for me is my ipod and even that I do very little with aside from store my ridiculous (and expanding) music library. My ipad commited suicide by jumping off a table and it was confusing to use anyways.

Flip flops or high heels: You would make me choose?!?!?! Vile fiend. Flip flops…I can’t walk everywhere in heels, sadly.

Ugly and rich OR y and poor: Um…Average looking and middle class? No? It depends on the personality. If you mean me, dude, Ugly and rich. Rich enough and I can make myself pretty. *wink*

Coke or Pepsi: Both. They taste completely different. I don’t get why people feel like they have to pick a side.

Hillary or Obama: Now? Neither. Before? Still Neither, though, I had hopes for Hillary. Those are gone.

Buried or cremated: Burn me, baby. I think burial is creepy and I believe in Ghosts so throw a little rock salt in that incinerator while you’re at it.

Singing or Dancing: I danced for years until I found out about the trick knees and while I love to sing I can’t say I’m all that good at it. So, dancing.

Coach or Chanel: McQueen…Chanel, I guess. I do like the classic Chanel aesthetic.

Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Meh. They were both decent. I not really an AI watcher. ‘Cept for Season 8. Glambert all the way!

Small town or Big city: Big City. Hands down.

Wal-Mart or Target: Target. Hell on my wallet but I do adore that store. Wal-mart is fine I just don’t really  go often enough to care. 

Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Stiller. *Blue Steel gaze*

Manicure or Pedicure: Mani.

East Coast or West Coast: East. I miss my home. :(

Your Birthday or Christmas: X-mas. I like giving and receiving, thank ya kindly. I don’t really care about my B-day. My mom usually has to remind me.

Chocolate or Flowers: Flowers. I’m not a sweets fan for the most part  but I like flowers.

Disney or Six Flags: Disney World, specifically, more to do that isn’t rides. Don’t like rides. I like to shop and look at animals and eat random food and watch silly movie things.

Yankees or Red Sox: Sox! Yankees ! (I’m a Boston baby, no matter where I go there is only one set of teams for me.) 

[ Here's What I Think About ]

War: Human’s and are ego-driven and selfish but we still exist so…

George Bush: Good Man. Good President. Bad Rap. Hilariously ineloquent at times.

Gay Marriage: If straight people can divorce, gay people can get married.

The presidential election: Has passed but I’m already terrified for the next one. Haven’t seen anyone on either side that I think I could support in good conscience.

Abortion: Health issues? Okay. It’s best for both of you. ? I can understand though I would hope they would consider adoption instead. Just cause you don’t want a kid or feel ready for a kid? Well, should have tried a and the pill. There are plenty of people in the world that want kids and can’t have them. Let them love the kid if you can’t.

MySpace: I think I had one. Much like Facebook, I didn’t use it, it just sort of existed.

Reality TV: If I wanted to see reality I’d look outside. Also scripting reality for entertainment value is a little silly. People are weird enough as it is they don’t need scripts.

Parents: Best Friends. We may clash but it’s only because I’m too much like you. You raised me strong, independent, and opinionated. Thank you.

Back stabbers: More fool I to trust you in the first place. I don’t believe in trust without proof not even in family. You can’t get stabbed in the back if you are always watching.

Ebay: Exists.

: Please?

Work: Do what you love, love what you do. If you are willing to make sacrifices to make sure you can be your best you can be what you want. Work is reality. You have two choices…damnation or salvation.

My Neighbors: Exist.

Gas Prices: Make me cringe and I don’t even drive. My poor parents.

Designer Clothes: Hit or Miss or Miss or Miss or Miss or WTH were they even thinking? Sometimes that are great other times…Either way, I like variety in my wardrobe and I am not rich so, pass until I hit the lottery.

College: A means to an end…albeit an extended one in my case. I am here to learn and I would happily remain in school for the rest of my life but college is college. I’m not here to socialize or party I’m here to make damn sure that I can kick at any career I choose to join in the future.

Sports: I will watch sports…well, I’ll watch guys in uniforms doing things that make them sweaty. Take that as you will.

My family: Exists…I love my parents and my grandparents but the rest of the family? Dad’s side is caught up in their own world and Mom’s side? Well, they don’t much enjoy being around me or my Mom. I think it is because we have opinions and wide ranges of interest.

The future: is here.

[ Last time I ]

Hugged someone: Yesterday. My mommy :)

Last time you ate: um…today? At some point? I think? I ate breakfast and I had some string cheese earlier and some sunflower seed. I forget that food is a thing sometimes. It’s a bad habit. I’m working on it.

Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: Two weeks ago I saw my old roomie. She was in Ireland all summer so I hadn’t talked to her.

Cried in front of someone: My mom and I were fighting and I tear up when I’m angry. I don’t cry much.

Went to a movie theater: The last movie I saw in theaters was the Avengers. *sigh*

Took a vacation: Lake Havasu with the parents in May.

Swam in a pool: Lake Havasu in May. Too hot to swim in Phoenix during the summer.

Changed a diaper: Never.

Got my nails done: Um…sometime during the summer. My B-day maybe?

Went to a wedding: I was like 10. 12 yrs ago? Possibly more. I may have been 7 now that I think about it.

Broke a bone: Hairline fracture in the ankle from jump roping barefoot. Third grade?

Got a piercing: Ears. Age: 7 or 8

Broke the law: Jaywalking, downloading, that’s it. Happens a lot.

Texted: last Tuesday, former roomie.

[ MISC ]

Who makes you laugh the most: myself, I’m hilarious.

Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Buggaboo :( My dog Buddy. I rarely call him by name he has like a thousand stupid nicknames and he answers to all of them as long as it is me saying it. Or he did. He’s going kind of deaf.

#87 The last movie I saw: Captain America: The Winter Soldier…actually, M’onique’s I coulda been your cell mate but that was in class. Gender, Crime, and Criminal Justice. Same class I’m reading the gang book for.

The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: Cooler weather. Seriously, please?

The thing I’m not looking forward to: I can’t think of anythi…dying. Yeah, not looking forward to that.

People call me: *Bursts into song* They call me 'hell'. They call me 'Stacey'. They call me 'her'. They call me 'Jane'. That's not my name. That’s not my name…

Melinda mostly. Family calls me Mindy despite my irrational hatred of the nickname. My nona and my mom tend to just cycle through the names of every female (And occasionally male if they are really distracted) in my family until they get the right one.

The most difficult thing to do is: Trust people.

I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope. No license.

My zodiac sign is: Leo. Chinese? Monkey. Apparently I’m supposed to be popular and want to be the center of attention. I am neither. I am stubborn and aggressive though so that part fits.

The first person I talked to today was: My mom, only person I spoke to today besides myself. I live alone.

First time you had a crush: Kindergarten…everyone had a crush on David. Seriously, even the guys. Him and Robbie.

The one person who u can't hide things from: No one. If I don’t want you to know you won’t. I’m a fantastic liar. I don’t keep things from my mother most of the time though, unless I think it would hurt her.

Last time someone said something you were thinking: Class. Usually happens the second a professor acknowledges that I should speak next. I’ve learned to always have a back up comment or know how to expand the convo.

Right now I am talking to: you, duh.

What are you going to do when you grow up: Be a Lawyer. I think I have finally settled on that. As much as I love research anthro I also like money and arguing, I figure Law is a good fit.

I have/will get a job: Have? Nope. Will get? I certainly hope so.

Tomorrow : Class at noon and then studying for an abpsych exam.

Today: I cleaned and went grocery shopping and watch Digimon on Netflix.

Next Summer: I should take the LSAT.

Next Weekend: I dunno yet.

I have these pets: Just a Buddy-dog. I think I might get a new Beta-fish though. My last one died before I moved. Fin rot. It was sudden. He was two. Gaara was a good fishy.

The worst sound in the world: nails on chalkboard, that annoying kid at the back of class that keeps making stupid comments that have nothing to do with anything, screeching tires.

The person that makes me cry the most is: my mama.

People that make you happy: My Parents and Grandparents, Former Roomie.

Last time I cried: Been a while. A couple weeks, reading a fanfic.

My friends are: few and far between

My computer is: My precious.

My School: Great.

My Car: will be a 2008 Altima in jade green because my parents want a new car really badly.

I lose all respect for people who: refuse to recognize differences.

The movie I cried at was: Boondock Saints.

Your hair color is: Red brown (dye). Dirty blonde (natural).

TV shows you watch: That would be a list and a half. Current shows: Teen wolf, Dr.who. I watch lots of things in fits and bursts.

Favorite web site: AFF. Tumblr. AO3. FF.net. Collegefashion. Youtube.

Your dream vacation: Tibet. Cairo. Seoul…I dream many vacations.

The worst pain I was ever in was: The first time I got a migraine. I’ve grown numb to it now.

How do you like your steak cooked: as close to mooing as I can get without risking illness. The bloodier the better.

My room is: Pleasing. I’ve been adjusting my décor.

My favorite celebrity is: Kwangsoo. Mark Harmon.

Where would you like to be: here is good.

Do you want children: No. I don’t like kids. They freak me out. They freaked me out when I was one myself.


Ever been in love: nope.

Who's your best friend: Mom and Dad

More guy friends or girl friends: well, 1 out of 1 says girls. I only have one person I consider a friend outside of my family. I have acquaintances, strangers, annoyances, My rents, and former roomie.   

One thing that makes you feel great is: Listening to music.

One person that you wish you could see right now: My Nona (and Papa). I haven’t seen them in 3 years. I talk to them all the time but it’s not the same.

Do you have a 5 year plan: yes?

Have you made a list of things to do before you die: I don’t believe in bucket lists, I feel like you are putting restrictions on yourself. Doing things for yourself should be spontaneous and be purely for making you happy.

Have you pre-named your children: yep. Invisikid, and Nonexistina. (yes, that was a joke)

Last person I got mad at: Chicks in the back of my class that held an entire, loud, convo while prof was speaking and then ed at the girl that asked them to quiet down. “Shh, she’s trying to talk.” “Yeah, so? I’m talking too.” They then proceeded to crow loudly with laughter once class was over and mock the girl all down the stairs. Yeah, pissed me off.

I would like to move to: Home. I miss MA. Freaking Migraines!                                          

I wish I was a professional: Student. I would love to get paid to go to school.

[ My Favorites ]

Candy: peach rings and lemon heads

Vehicle: Maseratis and Caddies  


President: Don’t have one.

State visited: Vermont. Only ‘cuz MA is home and doesn’t count.

Cellphone provider: Verizon

Athlete: *shrugs*

Actor: RDJ, Mark Harmon, Dylan O’Brien…

Actress: Holland Rhoden, Emma Stone…

Singer: this would take so long…Just a couple of favs: Adam Lambert, John Park, Jung Joonyoung.

Band: Rude Paper, Nell, Scissor Sisters, Muse, Imagine Dragons, Bastille, Flogging Molly…

Song right now: East of Eden-LC9


Grocery store: Sprouts.

TV show: I don’t have a favorite.

Movie: I don’t have a fav take 2.

Website: I answered this, didn’t I?

Animal: Pigeon, fox, squirrel, dog, cat, manatee.

Theme park: Don’t have one.

Holiday: X-mas and Halloween.

Sport to watch: Tennis

Sport to play: none

Magazine: none

Book: Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

Day of the week: Thursday.

Beach: ? I don’t know. Ogunquit?

Concert attended: I’ve been to two and both were awesome. Adam Lambert and a St. Paddy’s Day rock festival.

Thing to cook: food. I love cooking. I don’t have a favorite thing to make.

Food: Where’s the beef? Specifically a nice filet mignon med-rare.

Restaurant: formerly “The 466”, currently “The Saddlebronc”

Radio station: my ipod.

Yankee candle scent: I have this one that is cardamom and pear scented and I like November Rain and Mango Chutney .

Perfume: No favorite. I’m so changeable.

Flower: snap dragon.

Color: mint


Talk show host: Ellen.

Comedian: none

Dog breed: Cockapoo :) (the Buddinski breed), Mastiff/Bull Mastiff (The dog I want)

Did you answer all these truthfully?

Yup,yup. Maybe too truthfully.



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