More about me... (50 questions)

Oh look, It’s another one! I was sort of bored today and I saw this in the blogs section. I might see if there is anything else interesting to do.

1. What are you wearing?
A sun dress that has grown way too short for me to where anywhere besides the privacy of my own apartment…I feel really lazy today.

2. Ever been in love?
Does my unrequited crush from the fifth grade count? No? Then no.

3. Ever had a terrible breakup?
Never dated anyone.

4.  How tall are you?
5’7” actually possibly taller I haven’t been measured in nearly three years.

5. How much do you weigh?

6. Any tattoos?
no. I would consider it if I ever thought of something really meaningful but, unlikely to happen.

7. Any piercings?

Just my ears. I’m a simple girl who really hated needles while growing up and I really don’t care enough to get them now.

8. OTP?
Everyone ever x everyone ever. Seriously, I will ship anything.

9. Favorite show?
Oh God. The list is massive. Let’s see…Teen Wolf, Arrow, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sherlock, Supernatural, Anime in general (Lately Sword Art Online II and Psycho Pass extended edition), etc…

10.  Favorite bands?
Oh God, I have no clue. There are so many. Nell is my number one band, though. But I love music, you have no idea. My roommate used to laugh at me when I had my music on shuffle. I have the most random taste.

11: Something you miss?
Being in school! (Just over week and a half to go)

My family in MA.

My dog now that I live alone.

12: Favorite song?
Favorite Korean song: Hole in your Face- Phantom 
Favorite American song(s): Chokehold-Adam Lambert, Don’t Fear the Reaper- Blue Oyster Cult

13: How old are you?
Recently turned 22.

14: Zodiac sign?
Leo although considering my asocial-ness I could not be more not a Leo if I tried.

15: Quality you look for in a partner?
Humor, intelligence

16: Favorite Quote?
I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up. - Mark Twain

17: Favorite actor?
Robert Downey Junior

18: Favorite color?
Grey, Mint

19: Loud music or soft?

20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
I tend to just curl up in my bed avoid everyone until I get my emotions under control. I have a seriously short and violent temper and have been known to lash out when I get upset.

21: How long does it take you to shower?
The longest I have been able to stay in a shower since I was about 11 was 15 minutes and I had to force myself to stay in there. Usually 3-5 minutes depending on if I have to shave my legs. TMI, I know.

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Where am I going? If I have classes, about 30 min.  If I am staying in, maybe 10.
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
No, I avoid physical confrontation because of my temper. I have accidently injured my 6’0” 270 lbs father while play fighting on multiple occasions. I have a weirdly high level of muscle mass for a 22 year old girl that doesn’t really exercise (I am working on that though).

24.  Turn on?
Eyes, Humor, Brains…

25. Turn off?
Stupid people…yeah, mostly just that.

26: The reason I joined AFF?
For funsies! No seriously, I have accounts on basically every FF site that is commonly used. I like to read.

27. Fears?
Not really a fear so much as a mutual hate society with Bugs and Goats.

28. Last thing that made you cry?
A Skyfall Bond/Q fanfic that I was reading. I really only cry with text.

29. Last time you said you loved someone?

An hour ago to my Nona (Grandmother).

30: Meaning behind your AFF name?
My name. I wasn’t really thinking at the time. I go by Diredreamings more often now.

31: Last book you read?
The Lion is in - Delia Ephron

32: The book you’re currently reading?
Water Ghosts - Shawna Yang Ryan

33: Last show you watched?
SAO II: episode 6 on Hulu

34: Last person you talked to?
My Nona.

35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
My mother.

36: Favorite food?
Steak. The bloodier the better.

37: Place you want to visit?
I have a list a mile long. Top Thee(in no particular order): S. Korea, Tibet, Italy.

38: Last place you were?
My kitchen?

39: Do you have a crush?
no. Generally a very rare occurrence. I have plenty of guys I think are hot but no crushes.

40: Last time you kissed someone?
My mom when she left my Apartment yesterday. Never dated, never kissed.

41: Last time you were insulted?
As in a time someone insulted me or the last time I felt insulted? There is a difference. I have sort of learned to tune out insults at this point.

42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
Carrot Cake then Citrus in general.

43: What instruments do you play??

Currently practicing? None

I stopped both guitar and keyboard a few years ago. Can still read the music though.

44: Favorite piece of jewelry?
I am kind of a jewelry freak. There are two things that I never take off, though. A gold bangle that My Godfather gave me for my christening and one of my father’s gold bracelets. And then the Gold Nefertiti my Nona gave me when I moved away from MA.

45: Last sport you played?
I never did sports, I danced until I threw my knees and had to have surgery. Oddly I threw them with an overweight backpack in the fifth grade not in any of my five dance classes.

46: Last song you sang?
Touch my Body…I am listening to my summer playlist and now I am singing along to Save me San Francisco.

47: Favorite chat up line?
Nice to meet you.

I’m kidding. Anything super cheesy.

48: Have you ever used it?

49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
Do my parents count? I’ve had a slow summer, guys. I was sick most of it and the couple people I actually hang out with were in Ireland and China respectively. So not since the end of the semester.

50: Who should answer these questions next?
Whoever wants too…


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