( ☬ — Legendary ) Kaeji Mehul & Southern Water Tribe

Kaeji Mehul

username — Mermoisa

nickname — Mosie

activity rate — 10/10


Character name — Kaeji Mehul

nickname — Kae

birthdate — April 02 (24 years old)

birthplace — Southern Water tribe

hometown —Southern Water tribe

ethnicity — Indian, German

languages — Hindi - Fluent; English - Moderate

Your Nation Says it all

face claim — Jake T. Austin

gallery — 001.

backup face claim — Zayn Malik

gallery — 001.


appearance — Kae towers over everyone at 5'11 with his althletic build which demonstrates his toned body. He has a dark tan from training and just beng outside. Thanks to his mom, Kae has hazel green eyes which lighten or darken depending on the weather. He prefers to wear the tradditional Southern Water Tribe clothing like his father and most Southern tribe citizens. When the wather is nice and isn't as freezing he usually wears a white T-shirt and the usual light blue sweats to train.  Although you could only see one tribal tattoo on his arm he actually has another which is on his back.

Who are you?

Bending — Kae's a water bender which means he can heal however, he can't blood bend at all

traits — Humble, Impulsive, Reserved, Stubborn, Respectful, and Liberal

personality —  Kae is known to be stubborn, rarely changing his mind. He can be persistent, especially when it revolves around something he wants; career wise or personal. He doesn't like talking about his achievements in public but he would at times showoff his earnings to get the point across. Kae can be quite possessive coupled with stubbornness makes him sometimes too difficult to deal with, especially when it comes to his tribe. Kae enjoys to be in the company of a small group of friends and family who he trusts sine he doesn't trust people easily. Although, Kae is 100% a gentlemen. He hasn't been in a relationship for a while, he still remebers how to treat a women. He has the look of being the one to sugar coat things but in reality he'll point them out; friend or foe. He is also known to observe others closely, which is proabably why hes quite popular with a lot of people besides being the son of the southern water tribes cheif, being able to read people and being aware of peoples moods. He believes everyone should be given the right respect and have fair share of everything, no matter what; even under interrogation, everyone should be able to have the freedom of speech and state out their opininos no matter how stupid or horrible they may sound.


background — Growing up in a tribe where everyone knows your name who your parents are and pretty much anything about you, is set up for disaster. Being aware of this Kae would at times use this as an advantage whenever he went out and played with a couple of friends or snuck out of the Southern water tribe boarder. Espically when word gets out that you, the son of the Southern water tribe's Chief, can't blood bend. Although Kae is too stubborn to admit he was dissappointed to find out the reason he would never be able to blood bend was because his mother is an air nomad. Even with the lack of bending, Kae made up for it by hand to hand combat and swordsmanship, which his mother was displeased with and of course resulted to spend his extra time helping out in the healer's tent and healed those in need just to please his mom. By the age of 17, Kae was an expert swordsman and healing which he was soon rewarded by his father to train the younger warriors and mentor them. Though, Kae had an okay childhood their were some difficulties. Both his parents being from two different nations which meant two whole different perspectives was very conflicting for Kae; who believed in fighgting and standing up like his father but also was liberal and respectful like his mother in certain situations. By 20, Kae wasn't aware of Tamriel till thier neighboring nations sent out word about the upcomming battle to Chief Bontu, Kae's father, who then sent Kae find out what exactly Tamriel was doing which meant KAe had to travel to new found nation. Staying their for a couple of months Kae learned about Tamriel's political brain washing on certain citizens. After confirming what he had found out he sent word to his father which soon had spread to the tribe. The southern water tribe's peaceful routine was interrupted by Tamriel which disturbed everyone, including Kae. Kae, at first didn't think of Tamreil as a threat till he found out that the new nation was brainwashing citizens and was in the middle of planning a war with the other nations which then disgusted Kae to the point where he advised his father to go to war with Tamriel and stop them from hurting their tribe. Now 24, Kae has matured and is known through out the nation as not only Chief's Bontu's eldest son but also a respected general in the southern Tribe.


  • Water bending
  • Helping his father with the tribe
  • Hot weather
  • Traning
  • Sleeping in


  • Colder weather  in the southern tribe
  • waking up early
  • dissrespectful people
  • Not being able to blood bend
  • His mother constantly worrying


  • Sparring with his father
  • Hanging out with his friends
  • Planning strategies for the war


  • his lips when concentrating
  • Smirks when he's amused
  • Rakes his hair with his and when confused or tired


  • Can't blood bend
  • Isn't educated with his mother's background
  • Was appointed the Souther Water Tribe's General at the age 22
  • Has a water tribe  traditional tattoo on his back and a tribal tattoo on his arm
  • Can't swim
  • Phobia of drowning
  • Has a polar hound called Treble
  • Can Heal perfectly
  • Has never been to the Northern Water Tribe



— Bontu Mehul | Father | Southern Water Tribe | Respectful, Wise and Open minded

— Naiya Mehul | Mother | Southern Air Temple | Liberal, Motherly and Caring

— Lano Mehul | Baby brother | Southern Water Tribe | Blunt, Outgoing and Naive


friends —

— Mik Baaz | Best friend | Southern Water Tribe | Aggressive, Loud and Obnoxious

— Kenit Sidir | Close friend | Southern Water Tribe | Lazy, Smart, Loyal

My first love

love interest Name — n/a
Date of Birth + Age — n/a

Appearance — n/a
Nation — n/a


personality — n/a
Background — n/a

relationship — His first love? Crush?

Interactions — Alone: Kae tries his best to make sure she's doing fine and maybe even hold her hand when no one is really paying attention to them 


Public: Kae is pretty strict about no PDA ever when they're out and about, the only reason he acts that way when they're out in public is because he doesn't want people to know about his personal relationships with anyone.

Other — n/a

Final Words

comments/suggestions — is it okay the he could only heal and waterbend? and the love interest is another applicant

scene requests — Water bending the rain as it starts to rain during battle

password — Aang

turn in — back to the story


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