▼ the r o m a n t i c & idol – Max Yang



▼ personal information

nickname : mosie
activity rate : 10


▼ the romantic

korean name :  yang Max
other names : - - 

birthdate : 11/06/1990
ethnicity : korean/chinese
blood type :  ab
height & weight : 187 cm & 86 kg 

faceclaim # 1 : kim su in
faceclaim #2 : kim min jun


▼ the human condition

personality traits : funny; smart; outoging; mature; truthful; neutral; caring; peacemaker
negative traits : reserved; never takes sides; he's too nice  

likes :

– baked goods

– Dogs

– home-cooked meals

– writing new material

– kids

– jogging early in the mornings

–saying he's a famous comedian

–making everyone laugh


dislikes :

– conflicts between a group of friends

– chick-flicks

– sleeping in

– being the of a joke

– his mentor, Kang Ho dong giving him advice about girls

– take out food

– pineapple

–elders confusing him as heo gyeong hwan

habits :

– bites his lip when dozing off/thinking

– grinds his teeth together when nervous/embarrassed

– narrows his eyes when annoyed

– likes to cook homemade food 

– tries to mediate conflicts between two people or stays away

– makes faces whenever he sees a baby or talks to them in a baby voice

– wakes up early to keep in shape

trivia :

– has been in a secret realtionship with kim so eun

– belongs to yg entertainment

– debuted as a comedian and is also an actor

– has an older sister, rainie yang

– instagrag/tumblr/twitter account @r_ya.max

– moved to korea when he was 20

– prefers younger girls

– likes starbucks coffee

– can play the violin; trumpet; guitar

– can speak in perfect english

– always updates his instagram with pictures

– he has a low tolerance for anything sour

– has a two tattos 001.   002.

– has been in a couple of music videos 

– is known as China's older brother

– he's a huge fan of running man's yoo jae suk


▼ the relations

best friends : 

aaron yan – 27 – chinese singer/actor – easygoing, quiet, reserved

close friends : 

emma wu– 24 – chinese actress/singer – playful
kim bum – 24 – shinee's idol/actor – outgoing


▼ the stage life

stage name : ying-yang
occupation :  comedian/actor

joining r&i :

max's management heard about the upcomming season of the romantic and idol. unaware of max being in a secret realtionship with kim so eun, his manager suggested it was time for him to go out there and "get lucky".  at first, max blew it off for a couple of months and hoped his management would forget about it and they did till one of the guys who was suppose to be in the show had a busy schedule and couldn't really make it to any times of the shooting, which gave max's management the perfect opportunity to sign him up instead.

relationship with others :

though he's seen on t.v as one of the funniest people you'd know and has a lot of material that includes a couple of famous idols, max isn't the type to like getting involved with drama, infact he tries his best to make his comedic material less "harsh" towards anyone. max is pretty much a guy whos pretty nice and older brother like which is one of the reasons why china presented him with  the nickname 'nation's older brother'.  thanks to all the publicity from his older sister and now, max likes to keep to himself espically when it revolves around his romantic life.


▼ the love life

love interest # 1 : kim so eun - korean actress
interactions : 

so eun is very generous and can be a clutz around others. when around each other they act as if they're married, they hold each other when sitting down, cuddle when the other is cold and hold each other hands with the usual tugging. at first the two act as if they're strangers to keep any body from thinking anything but slwoly people start to realize that they're "too comfortable with one another" resulting to a riot that the two are in fact a real couple.

love interest # 2 : Jiyeon - tara's idol
interactions :

jiyeon is well known at being shy at first but once she's comfortable enough she's quite fun-loving and goofy. when around one another they enjoy being together alone rather than being with a group of other idols since the two tend to be awkward when others are watching. 


▼ the last words

suggestions : nope

comments/questions : - -





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