Moon Junyoung

So, pretty sure we've all heard about the leader of ZE:A taking to social media and (pretty much) telling his companies CEO "i'm done with all your crap, this ends now" (if not: here and here is where i got my information, plus the other link posted later in this)

just gonna put my two cents in here: very proud of Junyoung! by the looks of things (like this) he's won his fight. for now anyway. i'm a little scared for him when it  comes to the question of "what's next?". i mean, he's said that he's got a weapon "that could turn the whole entertainment industry upside down". based on how he got his company to go from "it's just a problem with payment, we'll fix thing real quick and the problem will be gone" to this in, like, 24 hours or less .......i think he might be able to shatter a lot of people.

have to say though, i respect his choice to not say anything for now, to wait for companies to fix their problems quietly. i mean, based on what he knows, he could ruin the lives of countless CEO, managers, and idols (even though he pprobably doesn't want to do that to the idols. i mean, seems like he's doing this for them, so why would he want to ruin their lives). apparently, a little while ago (like earlier this week) some ex-trainee came out with a story about being and ually harassed by many people in their former company. plus you add in what happened to Jang Jayeon (may she rest in peace) ......yeah, i can understand not wanting to spill information about fellow idols if they've been used like Jang Jayeon was.

anyway, Junyoung is currently at the top of my "awesome people" list and i hope that nothing happens to knock him from that place (well, if someone out awesomes him by, like, finding a cure for cancer that's ok). not sure if i hope the companies listen to him and fix themselves or give him the chance to burn them to the ground (not literally), just so long as the companies stop treating the idols like crap or worse i'm happy


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