Roommate Season 2

Hey just curious, how do you guys feel about Roommate Season 2?
Honestly I feel like its not gonna be popular like Season 1.
I mean I think its cool that GOT7 Jackson is on there, but 
Its not the same, I like the original cast. I only watched it cause of Bom and Chanyeol
Now they are gone, but I do like Dongwook,Se-ho, Minwoo, Mama shin <3  Gayeon and Kang-joon
Are you guys excited for it ?
Would you watch it ?



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I loved the show even tough the ratings were really low. I like Jackson very much but I still think that the first cast was better. At least for me. Park Bom was just hilarious and I loved how they all interacted with each other (:
stephanie1994 #2
It would have been better if they added more idols though!
stephanie1994 #3
Mama Shin and Gayeon left as well Dx I like Kangjun,Minwoo,Dongwook, and Se-ho! [and Gayeon, Bommie, Mama Shin and Chanyeol but they left TT.TT, I didn't mind the model and actress leaving thought O.o]. I'm looking forward to it of course *cough* *cough* I mean Jackson from GOT7 is coming out! I love Jackson even if my bias is Mark >.<.

*The original cast tends to be better most of the time*

It's true the second season isn't always as popular as the first. Take Family Outing for example, the first season had around 100 episodes, while the second one had like 10. But then again I was part of the ones that liked the first one better >x<

I will definetly watch it! I love Roommate and hope it does well.
I feel the same
When they said that there r Season 2 I thought that they will attend more idols for us
I'm not excited,but i will watch the first ep and see if i will continue or not