A boy who I've known

So, I've known a boy. Let's say he's a loner and we kind of talking with each other after. People says he's weird but I like him though. And yeah, he's 3 years younger than me. 


Me: So, what are you doing here?

Kid: What did u think people will do at the playground?

Me: Playing?

Kid: If you think so.

Me: *laughs* okay, I don't think you're playing right now.

Kid: I'm thinking.

Me: I can see that. You can share with me if you want.

Kid: . . . . . . . . . . .

Me: ...or you can just keep it to yourself. I don't mind. *ruffles his hair* It's much better if you were smiling though.

Kid : Did you ever have the thought of committing suicide?

Me: *suprised* I've learnt that everyone has stress problems. But it depends whether they can control it or not.

Kid: That didn't answering my question.

Me: *smiled awkwardly* Yeah, I think about it before. But I never did. I love my parents, siblings, friends. I don't think I can see them crying because of me. It's stupid to kill yourself over your weakness. I mean, I challenged myself and yeah, maybe I'm freed from the thought for now.

Kid : Does that mean you will think about committing suicide again?

Me: I don't know. How about you?

Kid: You're stupid if you did that.

Me: *laughs* For a kid, you sure have a gut to say something like that. 

Kid: Sorry for being too honest.

Me: I don't mind, really. People are free to say whatever they want anyways. So, you think it's stupid? Why?

Kid: Because they won't be happy either when they're alive or dead. It's like bringing their despair with them and it continue in the next world. What if they go to hell?

Me: Errr, rest in peace?

Kid: People just say that to make everyone smiles again but we both know the truth that the dead will never returned. 

Me: Where does you learn all these from? *amused*

Kid: . . . . . . . . . . . . my grandma taught me a lot.

Me: She taught you a good thing indeed. You're lucky.

Kid: *smiles* I love her a lot. She's with me when no one else with me. 

Me: . . .  where is she now?

Kid: She's in heaven. 

Me: *sighs* she must be watching you now.

Kid: yeah. Later. *took his bagpack* My parents will nag at me later. Should go.

Me: K. Bye, kid. Be safe.

Kid: *walk away*

Me: I can't believe you'll think something like that so deeply.... 



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dont mean to brag ( if u wanna call it that) but I think pretty deeply for my age
You seem to always encounter unique people. where do you live? I don't think that kid is weird, he is surprisingly wiser than his peers. I wanna have a little brother like that. So cuuuuuuuttttteeee!!!!
Sometimes dying just seems batter
It's good that you talked to him
Waahh... I wish I could meet him. He's sorta like me. He reminds me of me when I was in primary school.
Bellanagisa #6
Weirdooooooo -_-
Aww, I wish him the best