it's been too long

Is anyone still reading my fics?

I want to delete them seeing that I have no inspiration to write them anymore. I've left too many unfinished now :(

Uni is honestly harder and more time consuming than I had imagined ==; For the past 4 weeks, I've had at least an assignment or an essay due TT^TT


So if anyone is still reading them do let me know, I may continue them...if not, i'll probs leave them unfinished or hide them until I gain inspiration again...

thank you(?)




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mikahina #1
I think your fics are awesome, all of them finished or not. don't delete them cause then I'll miss them T-T take your time, Uni is so important ;3 if it helps I'm in year 12 and get 4 essays per week so I know how the work load feels so take a break :)