im so sick of jfc

well okay

my friend (who used to be my best friend but then, she decided i didn't care enough when she was questioning her uality (only bc i dont give two s about who you want to love) and then started ignoring me) ((what the srsly)) that i haven't seen since last year and only have contact with on social media decided that she would unfollow me on instagram and tumblr.

its probably childish of me to unfollow her out of spite but i did it anyway (on tumblr at least)

but why should i try to keep this friendship when she doesn't want it

i dont even ing understnad why

this is balls

why the

i mean yeah sure i get that you feel unimportant

but we cleared that up

but you still dont want to hang out

you still never talk to me

so why the did you apologise for something you were going to keep doing

why did you apologise for being a

why did you apologise for not giving me a reason

why did you even bother to tell me why

if you were just going to do the same again

i also dont understand how you can just abandon a friendship like this

one that i found so important

i told you my problems

i helped you out when you needed it

and i never expected anything back

apart from you to just be there for me

but you couldnt even do that

and now you're just going to severe our limited connections

which shows you clearly dont give a  

so im not going to either


i dont need you in my life

and you clearly dont need me


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