He loves you, too.

When I was angry at everything
I screamed at God
My teeth gnashed with every
hurtful word I could think of
until my throat felt raw
but in the midst of my outrage
all I heard him whisper was, "I love you."

When I saw the throbbing, crimson lines
on my arms I threw the blade away
and it slid across the bathroom floor
there was this silence
as thoughts of regret and self-condemnation
circled my mind because
if I really found Jesus why
was I hurting myself again
so I figured I could never go back
because I wasn't worthy to be
called his child
but all I heard him whisper was, "I love you."

When I stared at my reflection
I hated every piece of me
because I could never be
what they call 'beautiful'
with my double-digit dress size
and imperfect skin
Just when I thought nobody
would appreciate someone like me
all I heard him whisper was, "I love you."

And I kept on hearing God
tell those three words to me
so I asked why why why
would he love someone like me
when he knew my shortcomings
but all I heard him whisper was, "You are mine."

"It's not about what you've done
or will be doing.
It's not about your mistakes
and victories.
I love you because you are mine.
I love you because I created you.
Your deeds do not make up your worth.
Stop striving to earn the grace I have
freely given you.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
I know you're messed up.
I love you.
I know your faults.
I love you.
I know your pain.
I love you.
I know everything.
But I love you, so I will not let you stay there."

So I took his waiting hand
despite knowing
the sunny skies along the way
won't be constant because
surely I am not abandoned
and this is how I know
I can finally love myself and others:
God has loved me first.


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shinaej #1
thanks for sharing this. God bless!
I can almost hear God saying these words to me...
This is my comfort poem ;♡;
Thank you for your honest words. I know it's really hard to admit failures, but I'm glad you did because it's really encouraging to me. I also struggle with self-condemnation when I give in to a temptation I have been fighting for so long, and I also ask myself how I could turn back and sin when I claim to be saved, to be changed.

Praise God that we don't have to earn our place in His family, and that our adoption is based on something--or rather Someone--perfectly dependable and unchangeable.
Thank your for sharing this I know many people including myself were encouraged reading these beautiful words. God bless <3
this is just so beautiful and heart-warming . All this while I force myself to love myself first before others but I forgot that He always there to love me . thank you authornim :')
this is just so beautiful and heart-warming . All this while I force myself to love myself first before others but I forgot that He always there to love me . thank you authornim :')
this is just so beautiful and heart-warming . All this while I force myself to love myself first before others but I forgot that He always there to love me . thank you authornim :')
For some reasons, i feel like the story is about me. Inspiring ! Thank you!
You are truly an inspiring author :) God bless you <3
Truly blessed by this. Thank you yet again, Summer. <3
farabigail #11
Beautiful and perfect, thought we have different religion, but the meaning is the same <3
thank you.
nabi_devi #13
Absolutely loved this! God always loves you, all you have to do is remember it.