What is air?

I got bored, and this is what happened. I just spied on people discussing my question. What is air?

What is air?

Stranger 2: da

Stranger 2: what

Question to discuss:
What is air?

Stranger 2: Air


Okie, let's not be blunt about it.

What is air?

Stranger 1: You swim in it


Guys, I learned that you swim in air today.

Question to discuss:
What is air?

Stranger 2: The stuff we breathe

Stranger 1: H20

Stranger 2: That's water

Stranger 1: oh sorry

Stranger 1: CO3

Stranger 2: co2 Is what we exhale

Stranger 1: I thought i said 3

Stranger 2: That's not a common gas

Stranger 1: oh sorry

Stranger 1: 2pr04u


Damn stranger 2, why so smart?

Question to discuss:
What is air?

Stranger 1: weed

Stranger 2: it's like water

Stranger 2: H2O

Stranger 2: H²O

Stranger 1: drugs


I think stranger 1 is on something, if you know what I mean.

Question to discuss:
What is air?

Stranger 2: Artificial Intelligents.

Stranger 1: Me too.

Stranger 2: You have to be real to be naturally intelligent.

Stranger 1: Deep.

Stranger 2: What is the opposite of a hammock?

Stranger 1: Excavation.

Stranger 2: Oh. I don't know it.

Stranger 1: Caroline.


Excavation is a site you dig/study apparently, according to the interweb.

Question to discuss:
What is air?

Stranger 2: h2 o

Stranger 1: a mixture of gasses

Stranger 2: H2o

Stranger 2: no wait

Stranger 1: h2o is water

Stranger 1: O2 is oxygen

Stranger 2: yea sorry i got confused

Stranger 2: then air is something


Guys, H2O is water. Let's set that fact straight.


Well, that was fun. cya.


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Wat. Why do they keep thinking air is H2O LOL Air actually isn't just O2, it's made up of a lot of other gases for we do not breathe pure oxygen. Sorry I'm a geek lol. I don't remember it exactly, but air is different for everyone depending on where you are. Anyways, air has oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, argon, and methane.
I think you have been talking to a Malaysian because air(or we pronounce it as a-aer) is water in Malay. So yeah lol