One Of Those Moments

Have you ever had one of those moments?

Where you just wanna cry and cry and cry.

And you don't even know why?

Well, I'm having one of those moments. But I won't actually cry. Because. I don't even have a good reason too.

Drama? Nothing I can't handle

Stress? Only with school.

Boys? I don't even give them a second thought. Just friends.

Friends? I love them. Why would I complain?

Then what's the reason?!

I'm not sure. I don't know.

It's just one of those moments.

Where everything that's built up.

Those little things that shouldn't effect you. Teasing and the low self esteem and what not.

Those big things from the past that you thought already blew over. Fights. Family. All that.

They just stack up.

Without you knowing.

And when the dam cracks.

It leaks.

Until it can't hold it anymore.

And everything comes roaring out.

Down to the little last thing.

And you have one of those moments.

Where you just want to cry and cry it out.

To stop the flood from that large broken dam.

Have you ever had one of those moments?

Because I'm having one now.

And I don't even know why.


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