Update on life: Booked the Flight back, getting a tattoo next week

So I just booked my flight back to Germany on the 10 December^^ I wanted to be home before Christmas so I can spend the holidays with my family and new year with my friends in Germany^^


I decided not to go to the Exo concert this weekend (tomorrow and Sunday) and tp spend the money on other things like the tattoo I am going to get next week :D I am so happy that the prices here are so cheap compared to the prices in Germany^^ I only have to pay about 25 € for the tattoo I want so I save a lot of money^^


Work is going well, but I am still try to get to used to work again every day XD Most of the time I am very tired in the evenings and rather watch movies and play games than write but don't worry, updates will come :)


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Germany is not cheap lol.
Rima-chan #2
Hey :)
I understand that you want to be home on Christmas Eve. Its a day you have to spend with your family :)
Can you show us your tattoo when it's finished? (Only if you want to)
I got one too recently and Im proud when people say they like it :D

See you~
sujushineeroc #3
It's nice that you're getting used to life there, and it's understandable that you just want to relax at the end of the day. Lots of people do that! You should totally put a picture of the design you're getting!! Unless it's a personal message, after all I have a friend that has a tattoo and she likes to keep it personal. She's not a quiet person but she's more comfortable keeping her religion and opinions to herself, so I can understand why her tattoo is also personal. I think it's nice when you do that, it's like a message that you can never forget or a tribute to whatever you want to honor and remember. But if you do want to share, you should definitely put the design up!!
PearLee #4
Oh my gosh..!.I'm very interested in getting a tattoo as well :3 where do you plan to have it? Yeah do post a picture of your tattoos design hehe.
Lorenzoella #5
My family and I ALMOST immigrated to Germany, but we ended up landing here in Canada. Not that I don't like it here in Canada, I love it here, except for the fact that no one comes here (kpop idols)
And when they do, they only go to Toronto , why can't they pick Vancouver for once??? My only hope was Kris and now he's gone :((
Sorry drifting away from the topic here xD
Im happy for you authornim! You'll only have to wait for about 3 months to be with your family again and friends back in Germany again!!
TATTOO?? what design are you going to get authornim? Are you going to draw the design yourself??
Post a pic of it when you get it please??? XD
Best of everything!!!!
Locketlover #6
Cool that you're getting a tattoo. Make sure that the parlor is good in sanitation!
That's great that you'll be able to spend your Christmas with your family and friends :) you can never get enough of them <3

What kind of tattoo are you getting? Sorry if you have mentioned this before, I'm just a bit slow with these things. ._. But I also plan to get one sometime next year, but I don't have much in mind... Do you have any suggestions? It'd be awesome if you could help me out ^_^
As long as your healthy thats all that matters :D wow 25 € is really cheap mine cost me about £140 roughly 150 € but it is slightly big.
wud be lovely to see it once its done if thats ok with u :) Take care ^^
hasegawa_asuka #9
take care as work consumes energy. well, did you try a glass of chilled beer after hot bath? its fantastic! also, you might dilute the pocari drink with hot water in 50 50 proportion. it helps to recover from fatique quickly.
When you get your tattoo, can we see it? ^^ I hope that you have enough rest there. It is nice that you have time for yourself.... working life... I wonder how that feels/.... I'm still a student and I feel nervous when it comes to jobs. Hmmm...
Spending christmas n new year in europe country must be nice :c

You are going to get a new tattoo? What's the design like, if you would like to share? Hehe..
missbluz #12
Lesson learned: Germany is expensive :$

The only tattoos I'm getting are henna XD

After finishing Two Moons are you gonna delete it? I'm starting in a week and this thought hit me, what if she delete it so no one plagiarise it :'(