Hello, how was your day?

Hello, everyone! It's been awhile since I've sat down and actually devoted some time to some of my blog posts. This may seem awfully random right now, but I'd like to know where you all stand and what you've been up to! Maybe something you're currently doing for school or something you're stressed about -- anything is fine really. 

Nowadays, I've been giving speeches and writing a lot about my journey to becoming a "teenage graphic designer". Although, the story may be long, I'm turning it into a Personal Narrative Essay that is due tomorrow, but the rough draft is soon to be finished after I write up this blog post. School isn't the best. It's been going quickly and I really do not want to face physical education or graphic design digital. Most of my classes only center around the basic academics of Geometry, AP World History, Advanced English, Computer Applications 2, Speech, Orchestra, and Biology. That is a total of seven classes unfortunately. (School isn't everything I've loved, I even ditched school in kindergarten yo)

Anyway, I've been kind of hiatusing and I desperately need to finish poster requests, but some of you may already know that I do not have a laptop. I have my chromebook, but it's school property and it doesn't really run photoshop. Even if it did, it'd be way too slow. I really hope you'd guys understand that and know that I've been hella stressed lately. I really am trying to be confident and I'm really trying to help myself in my situations. 

Recently, I've been listening to some rock music from The Black Keys, Muse, The , The Beatles, Coldplay, and etc. It's been awhile since I've been in touch with rock and it feels way too good. I'm just really glad I can listen to it during my lunch breaks. 

Also! I'm having a sweet 16 soon and I have to share it with my two cousins who are twins and not the most lovable pair of cousins I've ever had. I pretty much despise them and avoid them at all costs and I really do not want to cross paths with them because they take things for granted and do not appreciate the things their father gives them. Their dad is quite a role model and influence in what I want to do in the future. He's a lawyer, dermatologist, has a license for cosmotology, and plays the piano. I just want to be at least half of what he is in the future because he's done so much as he is only 42 years old now. 

There's also something I need to share and it's this is crush I have on this guy. It's a really rare one as in, he's white and not Asian. I love Asian people so much and suddenly I'm stepping out of my bubble and getting to know this guy who loves wearing my glasses, loves playing Minecraft, and plays in the band. (If I get a picture, maybe I'll show you him lol). He's actually friends with my best guy friend and that makes me laugh because my best guy friend and I are 2nd cousins and what not-- it's a long story. Anyway, I'll nickname him Z and like I don't love him, but I don't know if I like him. I always feel weird when he's not in my class and he's in like three of them, two on odd days and one on an even day. 


I've been watching "Abnormal Summit" or "Unusual Conference" lately too. 


I'm done. 

Tell me about your school year or whatever. (: 

- Kyde 


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Hello :) very interesting school life,... I like mine craft too. I hope your relationship goes well :) Just remember, if he doesn't know, and if it takes too long for you to confess, he will get a girlfriend. That is what happened to me. Don't wait 2 or more years! :D I'm over him anyways! Good luck, and just be yourself! :D