Search For Beta-Readers

Hello all,


I"m going  write this in letter format because why not, right? So as the title suggests, I am asking all of you capable readers and/or authors with a good understanding and knowledge of the English language if you are willing to be my beta-reader?



1.Good understanding of the English language. This level is not necessarily like a teachers' or a lecturer or even an adult so long as your foundation is passable and there are not obvious mistakes everywhere or if you cannot spot mistakes. The occasional accident happens but keep in mind it is only 'occasional'. 

2.Submit a short writing of your best work NOT proofread by anyone else because I want this to be your ability I am looking at. If you are an author I will check out your profile.

3.Because all my stories are Baekhyun x Eunji based, keep in consideration you will be reading those for a long time (love for them is appreciated <3). 

4.Please be considerably free to read on a short notice (a day or two or so).

5.Have more than a simple arsenal of vocabulary at your disposal if you want to suggest.


You do not...

1.Need English as your first language (It is mine second one).

2.To ship Baekji although I prefer if you did.

3.Need to have writen a story, a reader is fine too.

4.Have to upvote or subscribe.

5.Have to be my friend on AFF if you don't want.


Please do not...

1.Make changes and not notify me clearly about changes made (for example, create a new file or highlight what needs change).

2.Talk about alternate ships.

3.Quit halfway through my writing of a story. It is most annoying.

4.Suggest Kor-english.


You can...

1.Apply to be a co-author if you speak to me about it and you really want your own idea to take form but find it much to effort-exhausting to begin one for yourself.

2.Ask for karma gift if you see the story is doing well.


And that is all I believe.


Good day Xoxo,




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Can I help? Like the question you asked me in the PM?
hi though I'm no help myself , I hope you find someone really good soon!
can't wait to read you're baekji <33