Gosh!!! I'm so proud of us ELFss :D Up until now I just can't explain the happiness I'm feeling.

Winning in SBSPopAsia staying on the Rank One for two days and we still have six more days to go :D So fighting!! 

Winning in MBC Show Champion :D Gosh!!! It's too awesome :D #MAMACITA1stWin

Winning in MCD a while ago :D It's a daebak!! I'm so proud of us. I can't barely breath when I'm watchig the Live Stream :D hahaha xD I can't explain enough how I felt :D And I really panicked when they got to go against Winner. I was like "!! There's still more??" hahah Because I thought it's finish already. But of course with our powers we really hard work for this guys!! CONGRATULATIONS to our OPPAS and to US Ever Lasting Friends and Family ^_^

This is our record in M CountDown :D

Super Junior MCD Score

50% Digital 2992

10% Album 1000

10% Rating 646

10% SMS 1000

10% Broadcast 1000


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! CONGRATULATIONS to US! We made it but THERE STILL MORE so don't JUST SIT BACK AND RELAX !!!

#MAMACITA2ndWin and preparing to get the #MAMACITA3rdWin


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