So many poster shops...!

I wish people who learned photoshop, gimp and other photoediting softwares wouldn't open poster shops... There too many poster shops. I remembe rin my time, there were only like... less than 50. I think. maybe 70...(80?). Well, now there are over 800 stories under the tag "postershop".  And 2000+ under the "poster" tag! Guys, stop!! You are just creating more mess. :/ and competition! If you want to show off your awesome editing skills, get a tumblr or a minus account and share it here! Or create a portfolio!! It's like a fanfic, but in pictuuuures! Poster one-shots! I know, mindblowing. :) Hey, opening a shop is not as easy as it seems, I had to close mine so many times! :(


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xxvanilla-ice #1
I agree, miss!
Lol, I have my own shop, though I keep it unlisted these days. Besides I wouldn't really call it a shop, but a place for requests I happened to take occasionally (which was pretty random). Anyway, I have had my share of difficult people to deal with through the short while of making posters for others. Now I just merely want to focus on being a snail author and editing stuff when I feel like it.
I understand you, but opening a poster shop here is almost like writing a fanfic to some people. It makes perfect sense, people write about kpop or "asian" stuff to put on AFF, people include kpop idols into the poster. I don't see any difference.
I actually do posters and all the shiz, but I don't think I would open a graphic shop any soon... I mean, I "work" in one, but the owner always seems so troubled ;; But yeah, your shop is like faabulouuuuuuuuuuus♥ so don't worry