Don't listen to naysayers.

Don't listen to naysayers. Don't listen to the people who give you generic advice. Don't listen to advice that will hinder your progress, or stop you from pursuing your dreams, passions.


Listen to your heart, listen to the people who have been there, who can actually give you constructive criticism (it may get on your nerves for some time but they benefit you immensely). Listen to your dreams, passions. If you really want to do it, no one should be able to crush your dreams, weaken your resolve. If you really want to do it, you'll be able to do it, even if it's a tough journey.


If you're letting something cause you to give up on your dreams, then your dreams aren't really 'dreams'. They aren't really important to you. Some dreams may be big, some may be small. If you are passionate about something, nothing should stop you. If it's something you really love, then you won't be able to live without it. Otherwise, it's just a hobby. A hobby that is not a priority.


I'm so sick of the people who say that they love dance, yet they quit dance, yet they stop doing it because of stupid reasons like "I can't devote my time to this activity because I love other things." Because of stupid reasons like "I've been spending too much time on dance." You never loved dance, just treated it as a fun hobby with no intention of mastering it. If this is so, why go to a professional dance studio? I might understand people who have to give up something they love due to serious reasons: serious financial problems, unfortunate circumstances, etc...


But I've seen dancers who work through tough conditions to continue dancing. Because they are happy to do the things that they love.


You may be discouraged, sad, you may have it tough, but I don't think anything can stop you from doing something that you really love, unless something really unfortunate hit you. If you love something, simple sacrifices wouldn't make you give it up because you know it's going to be worth it.


So listen to the voice inside you and not everyone may find a passion but if you do, I know you wouldn't give it up unless truly necessary.


Don't listen to the people who discourage you to do something just because to them, it's not realistic, not feasible. You are the one who are responsible for making your dreams a reality, responsible for your life. If you really can't make changes to your life, then you'll have to accept them.


Don't wait till tomorrow, life is short, life is unpredictable.


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