Ask me about...

... boys and relationships!

You can ask me anything (even the dirty stuff :'D). That said, I am no expert and I am only talking about out of my own experience. Just noticed that there are actually a lot of people who don't know much about that stuff, either because they are quite young or never had a relationship in general.


Ask me right away guys^^


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JuzSHINee #1
Hi, I do like to ask you a few questions, but in private. Is it fine if you can allow private msgs for me? I really do want to ask you about a few things !
pevvie #2
I d like to ask a few questions (in private) :/ but i cant message
Corinnna #3
If you can, and have time of course.. Can you answer to what I wrote in private please? Thanks
Corinnna #4
If you can, and have time of course.. Can you answer to what I wrote in private please? Thanks
Corinnna #5
If you can, and have time of course.. Can you answer to what I wrote in private please? Thanks
I'd like to ask stuff too but I'd like it to be private and not easily seen in this blog post comment section XD can't send a private message so... what now? XD
I'd like to ask stuff too but I'd like it to be private and not easily seen in this blog post comment section XD can't send a private message so... what now? XD
My questions are kinda rated though. But I'm still going to ask it LOLXD

I'm 18 turning 19 and I'm aware that our hormones in these kind of ages are well y'know. But I still surprise myself, a lot of times if I might add, about these seriously random moments of me suddenly getting so hot and for no freaking reason. And it is kind of frustrating coz' I don't have a bf and I'm still a so I don't know any ways to relieve myself. Are these hormones usually like this? Or is it just me? I know... I'm weird.
Also, I'm straight. But why do I sometimes find lesbian kind of... hot. Am I turning lesbian or what? Because I'm still totally into guys...
This is kind of embarrassing too but would it be better if girls were shaved when they are having ? Or the first time? I'm just curious...
Corinnna #9
Uhm... Would it be too much if I ask for an advice instead of a question about your relationships?
How old were you when you first had a bf?
Hello! This is pretty awkward, but I do have some questions.

The country I live in is quite conservative and thus teens below 18 doing dirty things aren't very well perceived. I'm 18 in 2 months but am still considered underage lol. Asian country problems lol.

I had my first bf when I was 15 and we did dirty stuff minus . Everything was . We broke up, but I kinda got addicted / like the feeling of getting touched. I have an older friend who helped me once, but I don't know if it's a common thing... Does this count as 'friends with benefits'?

I couldn't ask anyone else because I could tell that my friends are s and aren't as ertic as me lol they would get a shock if I told them what my ex and I did...
how many times you're in a relationship? how long is the longest? how far did you get? and what traits or situations do you hate the most from your bf (like liar, cheating, or ogling or talking about other girl when your bf's with you)?

i'm sorry if the questions are too personal..
....I think I will pass on this one XD
let me go to the dirty stuff then hahaha xDDD
everyone is so innocent in here xD

does it actually really hurt that much the first time and feel uncomfortable?
#15 many relationship that you had before?also which one that you hate and why??