My deepest condolences to the friends, fans and family members of Ladies Code RiSe and EunBi. I offer you my prayers and hope that everyone who gets to read this will take a few minutes of silence and prayer. You don't need to be a fan. You don't need to know them entirely. Just a few seconds of prayers is enough.


It's hard to lose someone. I, myself, have experienced such. A friend and colleague of mine from school died right where I was... I cried for weeks since that incident. That day, all I did was cry. Even on my way home on a public vehicle, I cried. At first all we thought was that he was acting up, tired. But he wasn't. Still, today, this memory haunts me. Every time his name is mentioned, I tune out everything, refusing to remember such painful incident. The fact that I was still able to talk to him that morning...and to see him get carried away by the wheel chair was horrifying. I will never ever forget hearing the cries of my batchmates as the school director announced to us the unfortunate news. Even today, I could hear it playing over and over again in my head... Even right now, it's hard for me to write and talk about this, but I have to... It's been more than a year but still I could not erase the memory of the past. Up to this day I still cry if I think about it too much. He was my pokemon buddy, and my swimming buddy. We could talk about pokemon and how awesome Phelphs was all day. To be honest, most of the time I found him rather annoying, except when we talk about pokemon or swimming. That day I regret having felt so. I never got to tell him how awesome of a friend he was and how I would like to someday compete with him in swimming. 


I pray for him, whenever I can.  And I hope you guys pray for the other Ladies Code members too. They need all your prayers and support especially through these tough times. Imagine how hard it is for them to lose not just two co-workers but two sisters. A few seconds or minutes of silence is enough.


This should serve as a reminder for everyone. Our car was almost hit twice. Once by a bus, and the other by a truck. In both times, I was the one who they would've hit first. Things like this serve as traumatic incidents....things you do not want to remember...EVER. Until now I cringe whenever a bus or a truck gets near our car. I know some may think it's not right to mention other people's accidents in line with this, but still, I believe that those people are greatly affected with this accident too. Imagine them haunted by the ghost of their past, upon reading such news articles. I hope you pray for them as well.


As Heechul have said, seatbelt is very important. It may sound silly, but from what I've learned from Physics, it saves lives. Please, do always wear your seatbelt at all times. No one knows when these kinds of accidents happen. It's best if we came prepared.


to everyone reading this blog, I really do hope you send out your prayers. Stay safe and wear a seatbelt!


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lulu88 #1
Another one died , I'm not a fan but as you said it's something very sad to know that they both are gone in a blink of an eye .
Sorry for your friend and wish that you'll get strong to be able to get through it .