even death couldn't separate them.

another angel taken away by God - may the both of them rest in peace. i'm not good at handling deaths, or any other form of sadness despite that i enjoy reading sad stories and what not. i dare not to say that i am a fan but i grew fond of them as they made the comeback with pretty pretty - i was head over heels for sojung and rise. knowing that rise got the surgery and died earlier this morning was just, wow. like boom - just when i thought she was getting better and i was half torn by eunb's passing, i skimmed over updates on exo with hope that rise will be fine and so are the rest but i'm wrong. i suppose her wish to stay by eunb's side was granted - maybe during her unconsciousness, eunb had visited her. maybe even when she was awake, thoughts of eunb lingered around her and i don't know if this breaks the term, till death do us part. i think rise just showed us that with much love and sincerity, there will be no farewells or goodbyes - only a temporary missing. when you lose someone you love, nobody can comprehend the sadness you feel - i don't know how devastated, miserable, broken-hearted or sad the family members, the members, the friends and the entire community of kpop with this news and if you still are throwing hate at each other, i don't know when will you grow up. this is the moment where we become one - a fan or not, we are a family and if this loss can't give you a valuable lesson on life ; then, i don't know what can.

i pray for the members health and well-being and i hope ceo of fellow entertainments realise that their idols are humans too - their money making machines are humans and one day, they'll die too. i hope every ceo starts to respect the rights of each of their idols and eventually, give them a time to rest.

#staystrongladiescode #prayforladiescode #ripeunb #riprise

once a lady, always a lady. ♥


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R.I.P EunB & Rise