My Condolences

I can't believe I have to say this again it sadens me to say this Ladies Code who had gotten into a fatal car accident earlier this month has lost another member... Rise who had been in a come has passed away today at 10:10 am at the age of 23... my condolences to Rise's family members friends fans and the remaining 3 group members.. I just I don't know what to say I don't have anything else to say but just hang in there girls you have to fight for Rise and EunB now I hope Sujong gets better but it's a rilieve at least she's stable and recovering now... I just 2014 has been a very sad year and it's getting sadder by the minute my condolences again to those who love and care for EunB and Rise and I'm truely sorry for your lost.. I can't believe this EunB unnie's wake happened just 2 days ago and now we lost Rise unnie and they just started to live their dreams... I'm crying right now... I can't believe this... Ashley, Zuny and Sojung I wish for your fast recovery girls you need to be strong bring Ladies Code name to the top for EunB and Rise to all their fans we need to stay strong for the 3 of them guys -yes I admit I have never heard of LC before this accident but once I did got to know them I love them so much they had so much potential- it's regretable something like this happened to them but we can't loose hope now we need to stay strong remmeber EunB's wish was to see Ladies Code at the top and we'll bring them there... there might be only 3 left with us but there will always be 5 in our hearts.. EunB and Rise will be alive in the hearts of those who love and care about them.. I know I don't make sense now but we can't loose hope we need to stay stong for Sojung, Ashley and Zuny... Sojung needs our support now more then ever she must be davastated to know she lost 2 people dear to her arround her birthday lets get #FightingLadiesCode trending for them guys we need to show them that they're not alone... that we are here to support them... I know it might seem useless now but hey every little help counts we need to be there for the remaining 3 Ladies 


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