3 words quiz

Doing it before writing fics -.- 


three words answers only 



1. where is your cell phone?

Being charged somewhere


2. boyfriend / girlfriend?

Bf? not yet


3. hair?

slightly straight, black


4. your mother?

simple and loveable


5. your father?

understand me well


6. your favorite item?

Many to list


7. your dream last night?

don't remember now


8. your favorite drink

cold water...healthy


9. your dream guy / girl?

not exist anymore


10. the room you are in?

my rented room


12. your fear?

cockroaches and cutting


13. what do you want to be in 10 years?

better than now


14. who did you hang out with last night?

my roommate, yeah


15. what are you not?

whatever others are


16. are you in love?

no, hopefully will


17. one of your wish list items?

a laptop? smartphone?


19. the last thing you did?

probably drinking water?


20. what are you wearing?

sheer nightgown, lol


22. your favorite book?

a detective one


23. the last thing you ate?

rice and ramen


24. your life?

quite busy, boring


25. your friends?

haven't met lately


27. what are you thinking about right now?

so many questions...


28. what are you doing at this moment?

need my answers -.-


29. your car?

won't ever have


30. your summer?

relax and laze


31. your relationship status?

same question again -.-


32. what is on your tv screen?

i don't have


33. when is the last time you laughed?

Haha, I'm laughing -.-


34. last time you cried?

huhu, already crying

35. school?

over for now



Man, it's frustrating to answer it with 3 words sometimes...

off to update now


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Lol 3 word answers sometimes are kinda hard
Haha so funny,its so frustating indeed XD
Lol this was a cool thing to do and I was reading your answers I definitely said my own in my head and that gave me an extra laugh because mines was so different from yours :)
kpopluvr27 #4
Oh gosh. A 'sheer nightgown' sounds too y ;D
Rice AND ramen? How are you not the least bit chubby? -_-
It's so funny unnie. It's so relaxing reading your answers with only 3 words after a stressful day haha

Oh how I want my mom and dad to be like yours unnie ah -.-
hahaha. Funny.