〈 the school of the different 〉 — jung nina — the firecracker。


face claim face claim face claim
DESTINY / ALICE_2003 / 4
nini / her mother calls her this

AGE ) 20
BIRTHDAY ) April 4, 1992

BIRTH PLACE ) Fire Tower
HOMETOWN ) Fire Tower

ETHNICITY ) Korean/French
Korean / fluent / explains much..
➳ French / fluent / explains much..

FACE CLAIM ) lee ho sin

BACK UP FACE CLAIM ) suna | seon ah

APPEARANCE ) Nina tends to change her hair alot. Currently her tips of her hair is red, Nina is one of the special kinds of fire creatures her eyes have more of a light red eyes color.

STYLE ) Nina has more of a dark but 'girly' type of style. She usally wears a comfy top & shorts with a jacket. 



➳ blunt
➳ short tempered
➳ forgetful

"I'm sorry to say this but why are you here?" Nina has a blunt expression and she likes to often come off as a cold & distant person because she doesn't want people to take advantage of her. But, this mainly gets her in problem at times. Nina tries to not talk bluntly specially around people with happy moods. 

"Step away before I cut you head off" Nina has a short temper she will litterally go off on someone if you mess up something she worked hard on. Yes, she will go off if you hit her but she wouldn't if you accidently did something. She often uses her powers and just start a whole fire behind her. Nina sometimes goes for a walk or trys to calm down in a different room so things don't get heated. 

"Wait, what was I suppose to do?" Nina doesn't really know why she got this trait. She tends to be forgetful when she doesn't want to remember something. But really Nina sometimes get forgetful maybe after a hour or 2 she forgets something. Nina usally has her friends remind her of what she's suppose to do. 

PAST ) Nina is half french & half korean. Her family use to travel alot during war. Her father was the leader of the war, so she didn't really get to see her father. Her father use to have days off to see Nina. During those days Nina didn't really have a high education. After her family started living at the Fire Tower were se met other fire creatures, Nina enrolled in Ammo High she instantly became friended. 

PRESENT ) Nina is a person who constantly moves from place to place she sometimes sleeps at the dorm with her friends or sleeps at the fire tower with her family. 

- Nina has a lot of foreign friends
- She goes out to partys alot 
- Nina likes to take pictures
- She also likes to listen to music
- Nina likes to wear beanies 

mother / jung su min or su min bellerose / 37 / cold (at times), caring
➳ father / adam bellerose / 39 / cold (at times), caring

friend / jang yun jin / 19 / solitary, clever, active
➳ friend / kim soomi / 20 / mean (at times), nice
➳ friend / park seokmin / 21 / nice, smart, funny, seems cold & distant

face claim face claim face claim
SUMMARY ) I don't know yet :3

FIRST MEETING ) Nina never really encountered with the vampire. But she was sure they did make eye contact. It was like one of those dramas where the boy and the girl make contact and everything goes slow around them only giving attention to each other. Well that was how Nina experienced it. It was kinda like Love At First Sight

RELATIONSHIP ) Since Nina and the vampire don't really see each other around since they both have different classes well just their night classes which is training. Nina tries not to stiffen up or even blush around him because she will maybe just little freak out. 

CONCLUSION ) I don't know yet :3

HOW IS LIFE LIKE AT AMMO HIGH? ) Life At Ammo High is like home. Everyone there are unique creatures that all have something in common our ether have something simialiar so you really don't get left out at all. 

DO YOU THINK YOUR A OUTSIDER OR A INSIDER? ) I don't think I'm anything..I mean we're all friends right?

DO YOU ENJOY WHAT YOU ARE / DO YOU ENJOY YOUR POWER ) Yes I do! It helps me cope with my anger & all I love using constantly & also I like to burn my prey into shreds /smirks/



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