Two Moons will be my last story here.

Hey guys! I've been very busy with work lately, have to get used to work regularly again and all that stuff so I haven't been able to update this week^^;;


That said, let's go come to the point of this blog.


As far as you know, I have thought about leaving aff for quite a long time now for various reasons. It always have been a tug war between staying and leaving but in the end I made a decision.


Two Moons will be my last story here on AFF. I will not continue my other stories as well and I will delete all my stories after a while.

I grow out of Kpop now; I still enoy the music but I'm not crazy over it anymore, unlike over other things like manga and anime (those I will probably never grow out^^).

You don't have to understand my reasons but if you are ing about it much, or even dare to say that I am an unfair b*tch, I will b*tch back (I doubt though that my AFF friends will be b*tching on me xD)

I won't deactivate my account so you still will be able to communicate with me^^

My decision is definite (until I decide otherwise) and I doubt that I will change my mind. I won't stop writing, I will only stop writing here on AFF.


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This feels a little late but tbh I felt the same way too and left AFF for almost 2 years. But then I suddenly came back because I remembered your stories and had a sudden compulsion to read them again. Don't delete them! I'm sure your other readers would love to be able to continue reading them. Your Legends series was one of my favourites:) I hope you'll continue writing though! You're an amazing writer. Maybe you can write abit for your favourite animes just for fun if you ever feel like it. Haha. I've been reading a lot of comments about you having a hard time lately - I'm really out of touch so I don't know what is going on. I hope you're doing well now or getting better:) good luck with everything!
Heartsne #2
Hi. I respect your decisions but please dont delete the stories since all of them are great works and i always return to stories again and again... please dont delete your great work away since they are out of all your efforts and they are loved. I really love your way of mixing manga in it and kpop. Really hope that you will not delete the stories. All the best for you!
JuzSHINee #3
Hi, I am a very big fan of your stories, especially The Legends series and Two Moons and The Misfits series. Your writing style is just so good, and the plot that you thought of was so good! I actually started to read fan fictions after reading the first series of your The Legends: The Messenger. I really do like to read all your The Legends stories again! Sorry if I'm disturbing you in any way!
Hi Navi, I'm actually one of silent reader. I've been reading your story since you first write the Legend series. I don't need to repeat what others have wrote that you are a good writer coz it's soooo true. As much as I regret that you're , leaving, but I'm happy for your decision. It's your life to live, you need to concentrate for your future. I hope you'll continue writting in your spare time coz honestly I can see from your writting you've developed so much.
I also hope that in the future I'll be able to read your story publicly published. Enjoy and please continue writting. It's been a pleasure reading your stories. I do hope your success in anything you endeavor.
Hien13kim #5
Im a really silent reader, but to know that your leaving, breaks my heart :( I just want to say something to you before you go!
First of all, I found you through 'The Misfits' and I spent 2 whole days reading it because it was so good. Then I found 'The Legends' series and fell in love with them again. Especially the Baekhyun one because I'm more Baekhyun biased xD
Second of all, your writing is PERFECTION. Idc what anyone else says. They won't change my mind on that. As I read your stories, I found that your writing was just the best! You seriously know how to write! I wouldn't be surprised if one day I found your name on an official public book (:
Third of all, I have to say, im devastated that your choosing to leave. Your stories were so well written, well planned, well thought out. Everything about it was just so good. Im going to miss you honestly. Im going to miss reading your updates. As in now, I still reread the misfits all the time. Idk why, but I never get tired of it. /sighs/ im really going to miss your writing (':
I just want to say, it was nice reading your stories and writings. Thank you for taking your time and writing all those wonderful stories. Im still glad you still have a little bit of Kpop in your life! I respect your decision on leaving because really, everyone is going to leave here at one point and then new people come, writing new stories. Im actually really glad that your not giving up on writing because your writing is really beautiful. Hopefully I come across one of your stories in the future (: Btw, are you planning on deleting every single story on here even though your not deactivating this account? Because I think it's kind of a waste just deleting all of your stories and thoughts on here .. But oh well, it's up to you! Hopefully you leave some so I can always come back and reread those stories. Thank you for leaving an adventure of yours on here! You'll surely be missed. You'll always be one of my favorite writers here ♡
Gabinne #6
Well, that's really sad :( You have a great way or writting. I didn't only read your stories, I lived them :( they were so amazing... Are you going to post your stories on another site? I mean the full OCs ones? :D
k10004 #7
I'm normally a silent reader, but after seening this, suddenly, I want to say something to you... First of all, I'm really new in AFF, and even more as a fan of your stories, I wish I could had found you early: please tell me how The Misfits: Lost King ends...!!! I don't know you very well,as a person, but I really came to love your stories and respect you as an author. Like you, I like Kpop music but I LOVE manga and anime, you have best of both worlds, people keep saying that your plots and characters are unique and really cool and I think thats the reason. Every time that I read one of your stories I keep imagine that is a cartoon, even when has an idol as main character. About your desicion to stop writing here I can judge you, I don't know what your reasons are, beside the one that you are out of all Kpop thing, but also I can't help feeling sad about it. Sooo... after all this, sorry if is to long but I been holding a lot like you see, I want to wish the best of lucks in wherever you choose to do and I hope that you keep us informed if you decided to write another story even if it's not posted here.
lala1234 #8
I'll be really really sad, i thought that someday you will make you story in public mode again.
I'll miss the misfits, the legends story.
I really love your story but i can accept your decision, this is your life and i'm as a stranger didn't have any right to force you to do something you didn't like.
I just hope that you can write in something like blog or wordpress or anything so i still can read about your story even it's not about kpop x oc again.
Hope you have the brightest future ahead.
Big hug and love from me to you, author-nim <3
Lorenzoella #9
Im quite upset but NOT at you authornim
I recently just stumbled upon your story ( the misfit) and From the get go i loved your ideas, plot twist, writing style , OCs, cliff hangers just EVERYTHING!!!
Dont get me started about two moons
Im quite mad (at myself) that I didnt join AFF MUCH earlier
I also partly blame my friend for convincing me to try AFF too late (but ofc still thankful xD)
I could've known you much longer now and I could've enjoyed your stories much earlier
I mean I don't even know what "legendaries" (i only know about it from the question and answer blog) is all about and now I won't know how "the lost king" will end.
Nonetheless I still thank you for finishing "two moons"
I still thank you for writing these publish worthy books and letting us hate them and moreover love them. (Hate cuz of the "OMG I wish I was that girl" moments xD) just SUPERFICIAL hate xD
I will support you till the end authornim! Whatever choices you make!
I'm so glad to hear that you're not going to stop writing. Its no secret that you have an affinity for writing.
Sorry for the very late respond authornim! We just moved and we just got Internet access
Anyways, best of everything authornim!
hasegawa_asuka #10
noted Navi. will surely keep in touch with you as I am damn busy too..its hard to keep a balance between two things. recently, i rrread two moons from the beginning amd I know somethings..s.hahaha. i will comment in the chapter instead. stay healthy.
sujushineeroc #11
Awe and your such a good fantasy writer. I really love fantasy stories but its rare to come across such a good writer. But if its best for you then of course I completely understand, after all peoples lives move on and we grow out of things and get into other things-that's nature right? I'm glad though that you will still be writing somewhere. And to be honest I really love your blog posts on life in Thailand. Besides I think that all of your friends are your friends because they enjoy learning about you as much as they enjoy reading your stories!
auroroar #12
Hey, it's sad to see you leave AFF because i won't get to read your fantasy stories anymore. You are no doubt the best fantasy writer here on AFF. I'd been your silent supporter ever since i chanced upon the legends series which was already completed then. I respect your decision and that AFF may not be the best writing platform for you. I wish you all the best in your future and do continue to write! Maybe one day i'll chance upon your stories somewhere again. Good luck!
I'm sad I won't be able to read any more of your amazing stories on here, but I get your decision. You will always be what I consider the greatest fantasy writer on this website. Your stories are incredibly detailed and unique, and I only hope you can leave a few up here so we can still read them.