Am I the only one?

So, I started watching DH2 and I'm totally loving it!


But I'm wondering...




I can't seem to find any fanfiction or fan vids of them... *cries*


Don't get me wrong, I really like Hae Sung x JB 

And Hae Sung x Yoo Jin (Ugh, I'm having Second Lead Syndrome again...)


But my fangirl heart can't help but flutter every time I see JB and Jr. on screen together. My fangirl mind can't help but thinking up all kinds of scenarios.


Like how Ui Bong hates JB's guts because he got kicked out of the dancers. I keep thinking: What if that's not the real reason? What if there's something else behind it?


When they had that little dance battle, I just sensed romantic tension between them. I squealed so hard during the whole scene because I thought it was so fudging cute!


And then the conversation after the dance. In my mind, I edited Yoo Jin's part out, making the conversation like this:


Ui Bong: It's just a dance

JB: How ignorant


I'm becoming a die-hard shipper... Maybe it's because I ship JJ Project, but I just like those two together...


A lot of you are probably going to disagree with me, I know. But this is my opinion and I think that, out of 7 billion people on Earth, at least one person agrees with me.


What are your thoughts on the couple?



XOXO Chanti




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i'm not an avid jjp shipper. But I ship them together ; u ;
joah_25 #2
So it seems like I am one out of 7 billion people on earth who agree with your opinion chanti ^_^