My Days Without Tv : Day 1

Yesterday I had a practice day but today is the real day. No    T.V from beginning to end, but I really love T.V with a burning passsion. It's nice to have on even when I'm not looking at and it keeps me semi not because bored the colors are always flashing always changing.

Yesterday my practice day was terrible. I sat on my couch listening to my ipod while staring at the computer screen. I bored I'm really really bored. Maybe I'll put stuff on my ipod like things to make me laugh or something.

Mm....this is going to be a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong day.

My Only Options

  1. Read
  2. Read the news
  3. Play Rock Band (Games don't counts as watching tv.)
  4. Dowload something interesting,
  5. Go over to a friends house.
  6. Walk alone.
  7. Lay down and keep thinking.
  8. Blog about stupid things.


I'll figure something out I have 7 days of this I'll find something.


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Ur mom didn't pay the tv bill? Neither did mine. I've just been laying in bed all day on my phone. Movie marathon Friday!