
Sometimes I need a manual to know what is rude and what is considered okay. I feel cautious, aware that as a senior in the studio, I need to set a good example, but I don't know their customs.


I hate it when people, especially strangers, tell me what to do. Like thr cleaner who preached about studying and friends and I didn't get what he said but I hate that they tell me things without knowing my motives. I'm not studying for a bright future, I'm studying because I like the subjects, because I get satisfaction from solving math problems. (Don't even judge me on this) 


I hate that my identity as a dancer is forgotten, ignored because I work so hard. I treat schoolwork like play since I enjoy it. I don't know why I'm saying this, maybe this is the only place where I am heard. 


If we have no passion for something we won't succeed. You think you can succeed by being really good in your studies. But if you have no passion for what you are doing, you won't study or do well, you won't be happy even if you do well, so what's the point? 


I may meet such people in the future, what do I do?


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