Rest In Peace, EunB

So shocked when I heard that Ladies Code's EunB passed away.

She's very pretty and talented, and not to mention that 1992-2014 is way too short lifespan for an angel like her. 

I'm not a fan of Ladies Code, but I feel the sadness. Like, having a group member leaves sure is , but having a group member to leave for eternity and gone forever is more heartbreaking. 

I send away my prayers to EunB and her families, friends, members, and all Ladies Code fans, Lavalies. And I also pray for Sojung and Risae; hope they got alright very soon.

Rest In Peace, EunB. Ladies Code is always 5.
From a Crown.


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i was really surprised when i saw kyuhyun about the tragedy, so i went up to allkpop for a searching, and when i found the article, my tears keep flowing
i'm not even a fan of Ladies' Code, but this is really sad. I also hope Risae and Sojung will recover soon
Rest In Peace, EunB.