R.I.P Ladies' Code's EunB T^T

I'm so sad right now! I can't believe this happened. This has to be the first time I heard of a kpop idol dying. Some of the others that have passed away, I have not heard of, but I know EunB and It's sad to see her go at such a young age.

For those who don't know what happened, their van hydroplaned and ran into a protective wall. EunB passed away, Sojung and RiSe were also hurt to the point of critical condition and are in sugery right now, Zuny and Ashley, along with two stylists, were hurt but it's nothing major.

This is so sad! T^T I wonder how the other girls are feeling. This was so sudden, no one was ready for something like this. Out of all the history of Kpop idol car accidents, I think this one might be the worst.

I hope the other girls are gonna be okay and I hope everyone can pay their condolences to EunB, even if they didn't know her.


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Fox-PigletMania #1
Oh my god, this is terrible. I was just getting into their music and they just had a new song recently. RIP :(
I really felt sad! She was just 22!
May she rest in peace!