Something you probably don't know, but should

So I probably haven't talked to most of you and I want you all to know this

I am very nice (at least i think)

really like to help people and am good at giving advice

My friends and sisters come to me for advice so feel free to do the same

I am very understanding and want to help

So if you have a problem,  you can ask me^^

I promise that I don't judge anyone and i am excepting

And don't be afraid and think "I have a problem but my English isn't too good so I won't..." because i can understand what ever you say. Many of my friends don't originally speak English and I am always helping to correct essays and they are comfortable with it because i don't judge them. 

I honestly find it hard to be mean. I hate mean people so i avoide being mean myself

So even if i don't know you, you can ask me anything^_^

Even if the problem seems so small or you don't really want to be too specific with me, i am still very willing to help

If you just want a shoulder to cry on or someone to tell things to or rant to, i am always here

I am nice so be comfortable^^


(I do have school though so i might not reply right away but i will reply and you probably don't want to post it on my wall so pm me!)


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Awhh you're so nice. :)
thanks for letting me kno :)