So actually I am fat

I just went out to get some lunch and wanted to pay as someone called me a fat cow. I turned around to look at two Thai Korean wannabe girls (there are a lot of those girls here) giggling and laughing not only at me but also at other girls who aren't skinny.

So I went to their desk and told them that they maybe should search for other hobbies because they clearly had no hobbies and a very sad life since they had the need to put others down to make themselves feel better.


Since I am in Thailand, I constantly get stared at and those stares mostly come from girls who are skinnier than me. Don't get me wrong, I am slim myself but not skinny (people often mistake that. There is a difference between skinny and slim) but here in Thailand there are so many girls who are skinny to very skinny to nearly anorexic.

It has a lot to do with genetics, food, clima etc, of course.

Asians are in general slimmer and tinier as Europeans/Caucasians etc etc, so if you are not of Asian heritage I would not recommend you to pursue to be as skinny as them (unless you are naturally skinny/slim) because it is not healthy for you!

As for me, I am naturally a bit curvier and never could be as skinny as for example Hyuna or Taeyeon because my body is simply not made for that. Since I did sport since I was a little child, my body developed after that. I can built up muscle very fast and I have quite a lot of muscles (compared to many Asian girls) so I don't look super skinny.

There was a time when I was very conscious of my body and my weight and I started to lose weight. I lost 10 kg in two years (from 55 kg to 45 kg) but that was way too much so I put on some weight again and now I am very happy with my 47kg.

In Germany, I often get to hear from others that I am underweight, when they hear how much I weight, but then they ask me why I don't look underweight at all. It's because I am not underweight at all and because of the muscles I have.

Everyone of you knows BMI right? The BMI is the body mass index and many people preach it like there is no tomorrow when it comes to weight. The thing is, the BMI is made from a European for Europeans so you actually can't really use it on Asians because many of them are naturally skinny and they have leighter bone weight than Europeans/Caucasians etc in comparison.

And even if, there are people who are actually overweight, according to the BMI, but are completely healthy, like people who do a lot of sports. How and why? Because they have a lot of muscles and muscles can be very heavy. Most athletes have a lot of muscles but not very much fat and eat very healthy. They are not overweight in any way at all.

Then there are people who are naturally very skinny and it is very hard for them to actually gain weight.


Point is, whatever kind of body shape you have and whatever weight you have, don't put yourself down. There are so many young women here who call themselves too fat when they actually are not. Don't strive for an ideal that you never can achieve because your body is either not made for it or because it is very unhealthy for you.

You should love yourself just the way you are.

But of course you have to be honest with yourself as well. If you don't feel comfortable in your own body, then do something against it. Lose weight if you feel you have to need to lose a few kgs. If you want to do that, then don't be a lazy and lie to yourself by telling yourself that you will start tomorrow for sure, and then you don't. Eat healthy, exercise a bit, cut down the junk food (even though it is delicious, it is bad for your body and will only cause you problems when you are older) and stop eating late night (10 pm or later. It's bad for your body.) and so on.

Same goes for people who actually want to gain weight. There are special diets for skinny people to gain weight.


So here is a picture of me at the beach of Ko Tao. As you can see, I am nowhere near the skinny ideal many Asian strive for (and many Europeans) and I don't have the body type and shape they like, but I am very happy with my body and I probably wouldn't wish for any other body XD


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You're fine babe hahha don't worry too much. I'm asian and i don't find skinny is beautiful. Really who cares anyway as long as you're healthy!
angel41195 #2
You look totally fine! I really don't understand how people have weird perceptions on what is fat or not. Some people can be overweight, and yet not look like they are at all. It is the same the other way around. Talking about weight and whether or not someone is fat really annoys me, so I really do try to stay away from subjects that open a way to start talking about weight and how people think that they're "too fat" when they really aren't
phahoang #3
I am seriously pissed at how the ideal body is in Asia and totally understand you. Since I an considered skinny here in the Netherlands and normal in Vietnam and also am 47 kg ._.
Orangeflowergirl #4
Idk man im 158cm and 54kg. In my country im considered average. But sometimes people called me fat
whatever... XD
Im on my diet. I eat whatever but sweet and junk food.
Your weight is awesome. Its too light for me xD
Can you give me a few tips to lose some weights? I need to lose 4kgs more in less than 40days.
I gained weight when im on a school break :s

How tall you are? Your body is okay for me actually.
If they call you fat, then am I obese? Your look pretty skinny and if they're even skinner than you, its scary. I'm an the chubby side and I actually like it. Sure I'm a tad overweight for my height, but I feel fine. I thinks its better to be overweight than underweight. I'm pleased to see your confident in your body since over half of the human population aren't.
PearLee #6
Nice picture there ;) by the way how tall are you? Apparently I weighed more than you by 3kg.. O.o I think Asian are quite conscious of weight instead of the overall body size that suits themselves the best...before I was really desperate to lose weight but now I just focus of getting a fitter body. Once you have the muscle and definition you defiantly look slimmer despite the weight that didn't really fact it increased a little (muscle mass) but the main thing is that just love the way how you are and you'll definitely be happier and prettier because of the confidence :) tee hee~
You're beautiful! And 47 kg sounds light to me. (Not that it's wrong, it just sounds light. ^^) May I ask how tall you are?
You are beautiful! They can go starve in a corner lol
I agree that weight doesn't mean much! I maybe would look thiner when standing beside you, but I am actually a kg heavier than you are. I dont know how much muscles I have, but I guess I do have some somewhere. You do look great, and I'm glad you don't look down on yourself despite all the name callings (:
your body is very healthy looking! (i'm sorry i'm only starting to comment on your blogs now D: )
I don't really understand how the asians' female body types work, but all i know is that they are super skinny.
i'm traveling to south korea in a few years and i've always been conscious of my body type so i'm a bit scared.
but you look really healthy and i wish i could have a body like yours :)
Locketlover #11
My body is similar to yours, well according to the picture:3 Those girls really had nothing better to do than put down others. To anybody that strives for a Korean idol body, I hope you don't try to get to their weights because many are underweight. Instead eat healthy, exercise and set a goal weight that isn't harmful. I'm not bashing any idol, I actually look up to Yuri who has an awesome body that she got by exercising:)
Hoshino #12
Wow, they are blind. You not fat at all. You are kinda like me and here in Brazil it is the good proportion. The body they want here in Brazil is like Nicki Minaj's body and I don't really like it. You are good like that.