Oh, you've got to be kidding me

I was watching videos on YouTube earlier (Which I usually do out of boredom) and I stumbled upon a video of Choi Siwon during a photo-shoot. After cleaning my keyboard from some of the drool- which I swear wasn’t from me!! But I digress…

Back to my point, usually when I watch a video, I read some of the comments to see what others think about it. I come to find a girl (Or at least what I assumed it was a girl, but hey, I don’t judge…) ripping some other girl a new one because she said, and I quote

“Im in love with him !!!!!!! Goodbye Robert Pattinson , Hello Siwon !!! I cannot take my eyes off him !!!!!!”

Now, I don’t know about you, but as an E.L.F and a girl who’s pretty Siwon biased, I was in no way offended by this comment. I mean, all she was saying was she liked The Twilight guy, and now she likes Siwon. Big deal right?

Apparently it was, because over ten months after she left this comment, a girl decided that this comment was offensive. And no, not to Robert like most of you might think. She was offended as a fan of SIWON. WTF? She says that someone as ‘godlike’ as Siwon should not be compared to a ‘dog’ like Robert Pattinson. Now, I’m no fan of Robert myself, so I could care less, but to say that a guy is worthless and nothing compared to Siwon is a bit much, even if you don’t like him. I was sort of embarrassed as a fan to read some of her comments, because they were really uncalled for and rude.

Just because you’re not a fan of someone, doesn’t mean you should bash anyone who likes them. Then she accused the girl of only liking Siwon for his looks and his body. From her comment about not liking Robert Pattinson to liking Siwon, I didn’t catch the part where she said she only liked his looks. She said the girl wasn’t a ‘True E.L.F’ and didn’t know what the meaning of it was, and was hurt that she “dare to compare this god with this ing pattinson!”

Come on girl, get a grip. Sometimes fans go too far, and they talk out of their too much. If you take a step back and hear yourself, you’d realize how completely uncalled for your comments were and embarrassing that was. Liking one person is no excuse to bash another person, and certainly no excuse to bash their fans. I’m not a fan of Robert Pattinson, or even Justin Bieber for that matter, but I don’t go dissing every Belieber I see (Though I have had the misfortune of talking to some very annoying ones). When I don’t like someone, I just ignore it and them, and move on with my life. No need to waste my time, energy and precious brain cells talking crap about someone who has no relevance in my life.

You know? I swear…. Smh…..


XDD when I’m sick, I tend to get really cynical like this.



It’s not fair. My virus protection said it’s gone, but somehow it’s created a scareware on my computer and locked me out from my internet. I can’t factory reset it because I don’t have the Toshiba Recovery disks, so now I have to order them next week. T.T Now I’m back to my old laptop again. You know I spent almost $90 on my virus protection, just to tell me it can’t find the virus? Excuse my language, but WHAT THE MIGHTY DO YOU MEAN IT CAN’T FIND THE VIRUS? For that much money, this program should spring from my laptop and pretty much save my from a ing cold, let alone a Trojan virus.

Life be a cruel, cruel mistress. ;_______________________________;


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That's crazy. It's people like that that give fans a bad name. Ridiculous.
Ah~ This is why sometimes fans get on my nerves. And that girl is one of the reasons people stereotype fandoms, and it gets on my nerves :<
Seriously? That actually happened? Well, wow. [And tbh, I loved Rob Pattinson in HP4. Cedric Diggory, ftw.]
Sometimes, I honestly cannot believe how immature some fans can be. If they don't bash, then you shouldn't too. Heck, everyone should just laugh off the immature bashing. They're not worth our time and patience. And from what I see the comment was actually a compliment too. :/

But on to the bigger note; ASDFGHJKL. ;______________; ANOTHER VIRUS? WAE. Woman, reformat your computer. asdfghjkl. Save everything, back everything up and reformat. /shot