New glasses, more infos about the job and my stories

So here is the picture of me wearing my new glasses^^

They fit my face much more than my older ones because they are similar to my face shape^^ (Excuse my oily face T^T I wore minimal makeup today so that the managers don't think that I cake my face with make up, which I don't do XDD I just put on the necessesities today :'D)


As for the job, I have to work early in the morning, starting either 6.30 or 7 am (have to wait until Monday to get the exact times) until 2 or 3 pm, that means I have the evenings free to write :D Only problem is that I have to go to bed early, something I can't do :'DDDD Guess I have to manage somehow >.> It's only for about 3 months and a bit more :'D

That means I will have time to update my stories, so don't worry guys^^


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Lorenzoella #1
Authornim congrats with the job! Don't tire yourself too much and don't push yourself with updating when you clearly need to rest!
I know what it's like to get little sleep and having to wake up early and work for hours the next day. It isnt the best!
I also can't view the picture above showing you with your new glasses :/ but I'm sure it suits you really well!
I'll cut this short authornim (the whole fam is quite busy cuz we're moving xD )
Rest assured that we'll (at least I'll) be understanding when it comes to your story updates.
Best of everything!
darknessnlight #2
Congrats for the job!! and good luck!!!.
And the glasses fits you perfectly its makes you look cute!!!
Actually most of the writers can't sleep at night
Because that's the time when their inspiration comes...
T^T and it's frustrated when that happen and you can't stay up!
Congratulations on getting the job! I've got to say that your eyebrows are on point!
LunarPrincess #4
I'm just going to straight up say you're really pretty *^* Honestly.
Though good luck with the work! Don't forget to have fun if possible
Bl0ndeBird #5
*thumbs up* I really like your glasses :)
Congratulations on getting the job! You'll get used to it.. Hopefuly...
angel41195 #6
You look adorable with those glasses on, and congratulations on getting that job!!! :D
Congrats on getting the job!! I'm so happy for you.
The glasses look nice on you. :)
They look good on you :)
It's hard finding glasses..I searched a lot until I found mine :)
Again, don't worry about updates, just do what makes you happy !
I think you should take a selfie Monday when you start work and show it to us :D
you look a lot more mature than the last time i saw you!
Hooo the new glasses look good on you!!! They suit you well~~

Once again congrats on your new job, n good luck!! You really need to get used to sleep early tho >_< or else maybe you cant keep up..
Congratulations on getting the job! You look pretty with your new glasses on :)
Locketlover #12
Nice glasses! My face doesn't suit big framed glasses:P
missbluz #13
I'd never go for such shape even though my face fits pretty much all.

They look good on you ^^

Try sleeping early and waking up early. You'll feel better and fresher. You'll also have more energy and those dark circles will dissappear :) it only takes 21 days to create a habit ;]
sujushineeroc #14
Awesome! It's nice that you managed to get the job! And at least you have some time off in the evening, to relax and unwind and what not, do whatever you need to do.