Quite successful day, more or less and more^^

So I was quite busy today because I needed new glasses. My old ones caused me heavy headache I had the last few days so I was walking around trying to find a good shop and I found one!

The shop is a family business so no uber expensive prices. The guy who helped me was really nice and he was very patient as he walked me through all the tests. Some of the tests I never made before but he managed to find out that something was not right with my right eye and that I need a lense correction there. He also said that one of my lenses was too strong for me and that caused me the headache (I thought that it happened because my sight got worse) and since my old glasses didn't quite fit me as well, I bought a new frame as well, which fits my face way better XD

I paid about 100€ for everything, lenses and frame, which is super cheap for specs (my old ones cost me 260€ :s) and he even gave me a discount on the frame (from about 100€ to 75€), which was super nice and I can pick them up tomorrow^^


What got me very excited is that I got a response from a restaurant, which I sent an application to for a job and I have n interview tomorrow morning^^ I hope that I get the job so that I can at least start working here^^
It is a German restaurant but the owner already got his pension so the owners now are Thai's but the customers are mostly Germans^^


And Super Junior released their MV today! I am so happy because they were one of the first groups I got into as I started to like Kpop :D

Which leads me to my favorite reactor/reviewer on youtube! The channel's name is MRJKPOP and it is owned by two music students/musicians^^ They actually know what they are talking about musical wise and don't scream and shout all the time^^

Check them out! They are really cool!



I will post some pictures tomorrow with the new glasses, if someone wants to see them^^



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I would love to see your new glasses!
Good luck on your interview! ^^
give us alook to your glasses ...
and good luck eith your new job ^_^ have a nice day
You really have to show us your glasses..
Good luck for your interview!! But no doubt you will get that job ;)
Thanks for introducing us to that youtube channel! Been searching for a quality kpop reaction and review for so long. I wonder why they're not so famous..
Super Junior is also the group that introduced me to kpop with their song U. Well actually it was Heechul who caught my eye.. But their new song is so cool, reminds me of their old songs. :)
I didn't think you would need glasses..
Are they for shortsightedness? If so,we are specs sisters:P
I changed my glasses about 2 weeks ago..
I'm glad you found a nice shop and got a discount too..the guy must have liked you..joking:P (or maybe not :D )
Good luck tomorrow on that interview, I hope you get the job..I mean you speak german and that is a plus!You'll get along well with the customers! If they are smart they will definitely hire you :P
My first group I got into was Big Bang!:)
I still have a weak spot in my heart for them even though I mostly listen to other groups now!
missbluz #5
I never saw you with glasses, I didn't know you need one O_o I sound like we meet all the time or something lol ^^

I saw their Orange Caramel reaction but didn't check their other videos out.

Good luck on your interview :) you seem so confident and you sound cute so I hope you get the job ^^