〈 SPARKLE。— Byun Jinju



birth name: Byun Jinju


Taz; the nickname was given to her by her twin sister while they were both still young, taking in account Jinju's hyperactive nature that resembled that of the tasmanian devil from their favourite cartoon; eventually others have started calling her by it as well

Jiju or simply you; the combination of her and her sister's name is what her grandfather uses not to mix the two up so this way he can never be wrong

Double J; having been scheduled to debut before, she picked her own stagename; considering the group's been replaced with APink, the name she gave herself stuck with her during the trainee days

birthday: 1st October 1994

age: 19

birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

hometown: Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity: Korean

languages: Korean (fluent), Japanese (fluent), English (basic)

 byun jinju

faceclaim: Kim Seukhye


backup faceclaim: Jiin


height: 160cm

weight: 40kg (the measurments are the mirrored ones of those of Red Velvet's Wendy)


hello, you beautiful thing



Byun Jinju's name, if it were listed in a dictionary, would be the explanation of the hyperactive behaviour. The younger of the twins has always had trouble staying in place, her ability to concentrate deducted by the playfulness during the early childhood. The certain trait used to badly represent the girl, even resulting in having her tested for a disorder; however, today it reflects on her hard work. The inability to stay still helps her to remain active, having her perform passionately and display her moods through her actions while recording. For the very reason, she's been labelled the mood maker. Matching her sister's, her personality also contains of a certain level of stubbornness, leaving out the fact that as the younger one, Jinju is more gullible. Even though the girl would not be the one to crack under the peer pressure, she is easily talked into things when in a playful mood, explaining her agreement as 'looking over the facts' whenever scolded about what's been done (e.g. if the members were to escape the dorm at night, she would join them despite knowing it would bring her trouble, and would later try to justify it by saying that the fact is she would've felt left out if she stayed behind). If she were to be asked whether she acted her age, she would answer honestly with a yes, saying that no matter how carefree she looks, she does worry even while she’s trying to live her life to the fullest by achieving her dream of becoming an idol. Her fans would easily list her as the more responsible of the twins whilst ignoring the same aspects of their personalities to pick out those which make them differentiate from one another. 


The responsibility prescribed to her by the fans is often questionable as she will always back up Jinji’s ideas no matter how crazy they might sound, being the twin who listens to the older one well as suggested by the Korean culture. The general idea of the twins’ relationship states that the competition is a necessity, therefore not giving the rivalry a chance to get frowned upon. Always having regretted coming into the world a minute later than the older one, Jinju finds the competition between them to be a requirement for the settings of some standards – something that could provide people with the skill of telling the two apart. Both have the same pride when it comes to looks so they often debate on camera to prove that they are indeed more beautiful than the other one. Excluding her sister since they are too used to one another, Jinju tries to treat all the people kindly, the way she would herself want to be treated. Yet, when someone opposes her good will or turns down a suggestion while she’s trying to become closer, she will shut off for a few moments to handle the inevitable moodiness, and will act strangely towards the one in question until the matter is resolved. Her being a sore loser often pushes her to test her limits, setting the image of fake bravery for the public (e.g. if she were asked to go bungee jumping she couldn’t decline because her sister would be first in line to do it so she would grimace and do it despite the fear such an activity would ignite in her). Confident once she’s gone through with the game plan, she would offer comfort to her members, trying to encourage them to do the same nevertheless she, herself, was terrified of it. Caring about people doesn’t control her explosiveness. Like a ticking time bomb, Jinju has her bipolar moments which are, judging by her acquaintances, petrifying.


When in front of the fans, Jinju keeps her bipolarity under control though whenever the members bring it up, she will act on it by staring into the camera with a smile before playfully curling her lips into a frown as a relaxation technique. When put onto the stage, the gal will enjoy it the most, therefore being the one whose smile comes on naturally once her body is put into motion – such an activity being pleasing for her nature. The fan meetings are her favourite events and she enjoys getting to know people despite being afraid of some ahjussi fans, which she would never admit to. She often speaks openly with her fans and members, loudly but unintentionally drawing attention on herself only to earn a scolding from Sparkle’s manager. Jinju loves the presents and even though there is sometimes a ban set for taking them with, she will sneak behind the manager at a snail’s pace to receive the thoughtful presents from her fans as an expression of love and consideration for their support.


soccer; Jinju is used to watching soccer as she's often done so with her grandfather when she was younger and it turned into a habit (along with discussing the looks of soccer players)

• punk music; it having been the first genre her sister introduced to her upon leaving the country, it  stuck in the girl's head as the most valuable music, providing people with fast dance beats

• accessories; upon seeing her, one would immediately be able to tell that she gives a lot of thought to the accessories she matches with her clothing, most of them defining her style

• shopping; she loves spending the time browsing for clothes without needing to buy them everytime, but whenever the copany card is given to the Sparkle members, she won't hesitate to use it for her liking, defining it as a reward for their hard work

• zombies; Jinju considers those valuable collectables, and tries to acquire different types of figurines as well as other themed possessions



• being woken up early; she finds it extremely irritable to find someone shaking her or trying out other methods to get her out of the bed early in the morning nevermind the schedule

• dieting; despite the fast methabolism, Jinju detests being forced to diet as she is a passionate eater

• having a member steal her camera time; loving to hog the camera, she dislikes when another member walks into the shot and 'steals her thunder'

• her lack of knowledge in English;  even though she knows Japanese, she is jealous of her twin's knowledge as she considers English to be the international language

• the manager's scolding; unable to stay in place for a long time, she often displeases the manager by wandering off or overreacting 



Jinju has lied about height in her profile to appear taller than her sister

• she was once told during her training period that she would be considered for the upcoming groups more if she had more than one personal talent so she took up guitar

• not long after her father left, her mother brought home a Japanese boyfriend who taught Jinju the language even though he could barely communicate in Korean

 Jinju has admitted to have had plastic surgery done on her body after the not so successful hernia operation which left the skin  of her lower stomach slightly deformed

• being a soccer fan, she claims her ideal man is Busan IPark's gatekeeper Lee Bumyoung whose autograph was given to her by a fan

• like her sister, she doesn't believe being an idol will, as a profession, prove to be beneficial in the future so she's attending Kyunghee Cyber University

• she is a self proclaimed queen of the 'Of Course' game

• her favourite band is Rocket Diary, and her favourite book is the Diary of a Wimpy Kid considering it doesn't require a lot of attention while one is reading it

• she was initially put in a group that was supposed to debut instead of APink but got replaced because of the oldest member's injury

she is jealous of her sister's knowledge in English though she would never admit it directly

 Jinju's catch phrase is 'haebwa' (try it) which is often used in the situations where she gets impatient while waiting for people to do a certain action


you can rely on me



Growing up in the capital was comfortable for Jinju as a child. He had her best friend at her side ever since the day she was born with whom she dreamed of becoming a singer under the influence of the hallyu wave. The sisters’ happiness was crushed by the surprising news of their parents’ divorce, forcing the older one out of the country while Jinju stayed put in a half empty family home. A few months into the divorce, her mother brought a foreign man into the house, the Japanese barely being able to mutter a word of Korean despite the kind attitude. The newly acquired family member was the one to teach the girl Japanese, easily taking the role of the father as the man who left barely bothered to stay in contact. Contradicting the biological father’s ways, her sister was the one who would try to call her every night, the older making sure not to let their dream die and encouraging Jinju to proceed with what the two had planned. With her sister’s support, Jinju moved to the other side of the town after passing the audition for Cube Entertainment as a thirteen year old after having tried out for the second time.


family members: 


father | Byun Kwangsun | 48 | stock broker | loud, workaholic, stubborn, unreliable  | Kwangsun has always been a mystery to Jinju. Due to her mother insisting he was the one who left them, Jinju has sorted their relatioship as close acquaintances who communicate mostly whilst she is catching up with her sister on Skype. With a disability to keep a conversation with one another without it becoming awkward, both try to avoid the communication.

mother | Lee Heejeong | 46 | information system technician | reserved, passionate, strong, intelligent | Heejeong has proven to be very supportive of her daughters' wishes despite the grandmother's suspicion she's only doing it to gain alone time. Living away from the daughter she's managed to keep with her post divorce, the woman drove for hours to visit Jinju twice a month considering the girl left the family house at a young age. Often having to ignore the grandmother's negative comments, Jinju sees her mother as a caring person and has a healthy, friend like relationship with her.

twin sister | Byun Jinji | 19 | Cube Entertainment's trainee | stubborn, competitive, blunt, daring | Given their similar personalities, Jinju and her sister have a status of best friends. Their playfulness and affection for one another is often displayed through simple minded bickering and competitions which rarely end on a bad note. The two are used to sticking together ever since Jinji returned to Korea.



Han Narae | 19 | freelance photographer and visual arts student | bubbly, good conversationalist, loyal, kind | When Jinju's sister moved away, Narae was the one to offer her more comfort than her mother could. The two have been friends ever since, no matter Jinju having considered her a replacement for her sister for a period of time. When Jinju left to be trained under Cube Entertainment which required her relocating to the other district, Narae promised to join her after finishing high school. Reunited, the two spend much time together and have proven to be reliable friends to one another.

Jo Youngjun | 19 | waiter | shy, quiet, worrisome, polite | Youngjun used to be a trainee like Jinju. Originating from Daegu, he didn't have many people to rely on as the bunch raised in Seoul decided to seperate themselves from the others unlike Jinju. Stuck in the smaller group, the two were introduced to one another and have become inseparable. Now the closest friend she has in the big city, Youngjun often fetches Jinju coffee during the practice breaks.

a world with you


love interest name: Kim Namjoon

backup love interest: Im Jaebeom

age: 20

first meeting: 

During a broadcast, Jinju caught her older sister speaking to Namjoon in English as the two have been acquaintances from before the debut. The excuse they used to continue speaking in the foreign language was improving Namjoon's own knowledge. The situation has made it hard on Jinju as she was only a beginner and has barely managed to introduce herself past the few phrases Jinji previously taught her. The two were amused by her 'performance' but between being upset with her sister and embarrassed, Jinju chose the first option.


Rap monster (Namjoon) is a type of a laid back person who will easily agree to what one is saying. Taking others’ opinions in consideration without denying them first was surely what made him the leader of BTS. Funny and talented, he is the person many would like to befriend at the first sight. In truth, he is an extremely simple person who likes to joke and doesn’t pick at one’s personality but tries to see the best in a person.


After the first appearance on Show Champion, Jinju's attraction towards the male only grew each time the two said their greetings in the hallways of the broadcasting stations. When asked who they wanted to be paired up with during the English quiz on one of the shows, Jinju first volonteer to work with Namjoon for her sister not to beat her to it since they were close acquaintances at the time. Despite the lack of knowledge, she insisted to work with the boy, and at least made him laugh with her pronunciation and incorrect grammar used to explain the subject the two were supposed to guess. After the end of the recording and a session of teasing initiated by the hosts of the variety show, Namjoon promised to be the one to pick her the next time they find themselves in the same situation.

long drive

training duration: 6 years

training background: 

Jinju has enrolled in Cube Entertainment when she was only a thirteen year old child. With the guidance of the elder ones, she embraced the trainee life that took up the majority of her free time. Having left her home while young, she learned to depend on her own skills, befriending other trainees to cover up the loneliness of going back to the empty dorm room later at night. Oddly enough, working in a group helped her focus on the choreography, and her singing as the belonging trait of being competative made her want to win, or at least be commended based on her performance during the monthly evaluations. Working hard to improve her skills, she managed to escape the ruthless eliminations for six years, nevermind the fact she was about to make a debut with a group who was replaced by APink due to one of the members of the official line-up getting severely injured while practicing.

stage name: Joo

persona: tasmanian devil

position: lead vocalist

backup position: main vocalist

fanclub names + colours: Jombies + hex: ffff33 

talent twins:

vocals: Crayon Pop's Way

dancing: F-ve Dolls' Ryu Hyoyoung

it's so hard to say goodbye

comments: I hope it's fine to have applied with twins, and I hope you like them both even though they're not extremely feminine. 

scene requests: 

I have no specific scene requests but a suggestion to send the girls on 'Showtime', 'Dream Team' or 'Running Man' and possibly make them face their fears, such as: having them do bungee jumping while afraid of heights or mud wrestle after they've acquired the cherished clean image.


 variety: Weekly Idol
                   Beatles Code                                 
 Ranking King 
Sparkle TV

• songs: 4ten - Tornado
                Stellar - Marionette
                Stellar - Mask
                Laboum - Pit-a-Pat
                Wonder Girls - This fool
                Sweet Revenge - Melo
                Orange Caramel - Lipstick
                Spica - Painkiller
                Spica - Russian Roulette
                Ladies' Code - Bad Girl
                Ladies' Code - Hate You
                Crayon Pop - Dancing Queen

• endorsment: Skoolooks


password: Sparkle Joo


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