〈 SPARKLE。— Byun Jinji


birth name: Byun Jinji

nonkorean name: Jenny


Anti prince; the nickname was given to her by her best friend Daehwan early in her life to describe her boyish behaviour (the nickname was previously princess but after the tiny girl has beaten him up, instead of attempted title of a thug, he named her anti prince)

Jiju or simply you; the combination of her and her sister's name is what her grandfather uses not to mix the two up so this way he can never be wrong 

Tiny J; tiny J is the name given to her by the peers post arrival in the United Kingdom with a referral to her height

birthday: 1st October 1994

age: 19

birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

hometown: London, United Kingdom

ethnicity: Korean (I'm not sure whether this is acceptable for the main vocalist position but I interpreted her ethnicity being mixed as a possibility and not a requirement.)

languages: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), Chinese (intermediate)

 byun jinji 

faceclaim: Kim Seukhye


backup faceclaim: Jiin


height: 160cm

weight: 40kg (the measurments are the mirrored ones of those of Red Velvet's Wendy)

hello, you beautiful thing



Contrary of the popular opinion of the general lady-like characteristics, Jinji possesses all of the opposite attributes framing her personality. Having always been crowned the class clown even in the early stages of her life, the female learned to corporate the foolish image to justify every odd behaviour, using the fact her acquaintances considered her ‘unintelligent’ to her advantage. Such thoughts resulted in her acting chaotic; developing the inner troublemaker her parents and persons of authority had trouble controlling. The freedom she’s been given while being brought up provided the girl with negatively, as well as positively polarities of the inherited traits. Stubbornness was supported by the restless nature, and while the hot headed feature acted as the trouble magnet, it also proved to have ignited passion for reaching certain goals tame spirit couldn’t acquire. Opposing the stupidity the others accredited her with; her factual knowledge has proven to be wide, reflecting onto the grades during her school years. Yet, the carefree spirit praised her with irresponsibility no matter the possible outcome she would later have to face. When presented with an inconvenience, the gal had always clashed with it to chase away the worrisome feeling on the back of her mind that failed to complement the childish personality. Jinji has come to blame the conscious part of her persona on the existence of the younger sibling she’s been taught to take care of despite the sister’s refusal. Not being an only child raised her social sensitivity, enabling her to sense other people’s emotions and show care with an unexpected maturity.


Growing up with a twin conditioned the general rivalry often seen in siblings, making the competitiveness surface as the two always battled to gain the best possible score in order to acquire something that would differentiate them from the other. The same competitiveness is often mirrored in her everyday life, urging her to try harder during Sparkle's joint stages with others, wanting to prove the group's credibility and talent standard. The combined traits turned the girl into a rebel, giving an explanation for her conflicts with others and the figures of authority in attempts to stand up for what she believes in. Sharp on her tongue, she is most likely to get scolded as it carries her thoughts out of before the mind can fully process them and sort the appropriate ones from those which are socially unacceptable to be spoken of in public. The friends who get caught up in such situations with the girl tend to blame the spoken words on the adrenaline rush not to get involved rebelling against those of higher status. The only activities that can prevent the female heading straight on when fired up by a mindless comment is previous mesmerization with video games or sports that have the power to wear her out. Even so, it is hard for Jinji to back down and accept a foreign opinion when it is what she considers immoral. She would never admit to be in need of dependency when it comes to relying on other people, and therefore, she puts up with the confident front. Despite the bravery of her alone being, her moods highly influence her facial muscles, making the emotional barrier almost transparent. The emotional stability, however, provided her with patience, allowing her to control the feelings even when acting imulsively. She doesn't argue, as that was taught to be a bad habit, but she doesn't back out of heavily themed debates concerning the popular topics.


If there was a vote for the member whose personality least changed on the stage, Jinji would surely be the first one to get picked. From the rock-ish attire during the unstyled fansigns to the twisted femme fatale act on stage, the gal keeps to her standards and likes. As a lover of socialization, she often expresses her moods by restlessly clinging to her group mates, giving out hugs to fans and even speaking excitedly, exceeding the given time limit during the fanmeets. The change in her can only be seen once the stage is cleared and the music is put on, turning the social butterfly into the determined, untouchable performer not one of her parents has expected to see. However, the activities that don't require attention lose the cool headed girl, pushing her true self to surface. The schedules that would involve extreme activities, such as bungee jumping or skydiving would have her volonteering within a few seconds; teasing the scaredy cat members childishly before actually giving them encouragement to join her in the adventure.




• video games; she is willing to admit her addiction concerning the horror themed games for any consoles in her possession

• being lazy; even though her nature requires her to be active, she enjoys staying indoors on the days off, faffing around the dorm in her comfortable sleeping attire

• sns; Jinji has an unusual habit of always opening new accounts on various social networking services labeled currently popular and actually sharing her information with both her friends and the fans as those are, in her opinion, considered the basis for establishing a good relationship with the crowd

• rock music; she is likely do blame it on the influence of the western culture despite the majority of her favourite rock bands originate from Korea 

• skin care products; even though she's a proclaimed shopaholic and clothes fanatic, she spends most of the earned money on relevant cremes


• fake cuteness; Jinji highly dislikes seeing idols forcing the cute act when they are actually making fools of themselves for trying too hard

• her own fogetfulness; after she had come back from the UK, she's been having trouble always remembering to use formalities around those of higher authority and often needs to get reminded (sometimes even after a round of unexpected scolding)

• failing to get a reaction out of people; she is a jokester and she loves playing pranks on people here and there so the fail attempts make her upset with herself

• doing the dishes; she claims it to be the dirtiest of the chores and refuses to do it; in exchange she is often on laundry duty

• baggy pants; these clothing items are her arch enemies she's vowed never to wear


• she can play three instruments she's learned during her stay in the United Kingdom, including: drums, djembe and guitar

• she can never be left alone in a store that sells video games as she will most likely spend hours inside or try to buy an unreasonable amount of different games

• as far as fashion's concerned, she gives most attention to the looks that are to be worn at the airport

• she has a drawer full of skin products and having given it proper treatment, has no trouble showing her bare face to the camera

• her favourite bands are PIA, Broken Valentine and Toxic, two of which have been the contestants of TOPband which she watches regularly or has the manager record for her if on schedule

• she has very less female friends and believes making friends with men is easier than befriending women

• she's pursuing her further education and is, as most idols, a student at Kyunghee Cyber University majoring in music

• she has first applied for JYP's online audition which she has passed but was later moved to its roster Cube Entertainment along with a few other trainees

• Jinji has a fast metabolism and often slacks off while the other members are working out despite the evenly shared meals

• her blood type is AB- which is very rare when it comes to asian people

• she has expressed a wish to collaborate with her label mates

you can rely on me


Born in Seoul, Jinji had a peaceful childhood, growing up in a healthy environment with her twin sister so she was never alone. The snug primary school years got interrupted by the abrupt divorce due to the problems in the parents' relationship that they have been hiding from the children. Forced to move away after her caretakers have split the custody, they provided her with a possibility of keeping in contact with the friends she's made. Not used to the western lifestyle, Jinji had a rough time adjusting to the new surroundings, filling out her free time in between attending classes and learning the language with guitar lessons since it was the popular musical insturment at that time, and developing her creativity according to her father. Opening up to the new living standards, she started hanging out more, visiting the open gigs with her foreign friends. She never lost contact with her sister and the two opened up an account on YouTube to start collaborating on various song covers, one of which Jinji used for the online audition for JYP Entertainment before being sent back to Korea to live with her sister at their request. 


family members: 

father | Byun Kwangsun | 48 | stock broker | loud, workaholic, stubborn, unreliable | Kwangsun's personality matches his profession perfectly. His moods variate likewise the stock value he's working with, therefore making him unreliable hence the work is what will always be first on his list of responsibilities. Despite the incapability, Jinji respects him, and feels more connected to him than the mother who stayed in Korea, not opposing her forced move abroad.

mother | Lee Heejeong | 46 | information system technician | reserved, passionate, strong, intelligent | Heejeong is merily a role model for the female in the 'department' of passion, and even though the two have a mother-daughter bond that's been built during the early years of Jinji's life, the girl resents the fact her mother was willing to let go of her after divorcing her father. 

twin sister | Byun Jinju | 19 | Cube Entertainment's trainee | consistent, guilable, hyperactive, headstrong | Jinju is the person Jinji is closest to. The sisters are each other's best friend, and even though they were seperated at one point in life, they didn't allow the situation to ruin their relationship. They have been Skypeing constantly ever since Jinji's left for the United Kingdom.


Kang Daehwan | 19 | professional skateboarder | suggestive, challenging, bratty, vulgar | Daehwan is the closest thing Jinji has to a best friend. The pair have known each other over a course of years, their parents dare say from the very birth and from the very beginning they acted like cat and dog towards the other. With both of their personalities having close to no differences, they can be at each other's throat most of the time.

Lee Jonghyuk | 19 | chemistry student | ingenuous, well-spoken, obedient, expressive | Being the oldest brother to the other set of multiples who attended the same elementary school, Jonghyuk has always appealed to Jinju. Having been one of the classmates the girl's been closest to, the latter remained her friend till this day. The interaction between the two is very simple, Jonghyuk usually obeying Jinji's demands.

Lee Jonghyun | 19 | music student and underground performer | talented, patient, explorative, neat | The middle one of the triplets used to be in the choir with the female. While getting to know him, Jinji ignored Daehwan for quite a while since her interests matched Jonghyun's better. Today, she is still trying to get the male to audition for Cube Entertainment so they could possibly meet on stage one day.

Lee Jonghan | 19 | social work student | funny, mannered, playful, open | Jonghan is an open person and the type that's easy to get along with. His playfulness was what lured Jinji to him. Nowadays, instead of playing on monkey bar, the two spend a lot of time on the phone. Unlike with most people, Jinji can openly discuss subjects that many would consider inappropriate.


a world with you

love interest name: Kim Seokjin

backup love interest: Kang Minhyuk

age: 22

first meeting: 

The famous hall of Show Champion was where the two came together. Unlike the chliche meetings, theirs was rather expected as the joint recording of Sparkle and BTS has been scheduled beforehand. With the camera running they had no time for individual introduction, resulting in the groups bowing simultaneously. Jinji having been the one put at the end of the line formed by Sparkle, bumped her shoulder against the latter's arm without a hint of grace, and therefore apolgized loudly after having taken a stutter filled moment to read his name tag.


Seokjin is the kind of a person Jinji never thought she would end up with. Saying he's a complete opposite of her would be incorrect but the boy does definitely bounce off the type she would claim to like. Jin is shy, and easily epresses cuteness whilst attributing in the areas of expertise Jinji is horrible at. The latter is caring and is often showing affection around people he cherishes. Despite being the eldest in his group, Jin is as playful as the younger members and easily follows their lead.


Knowing about the nickname Jinji had as a child, one of the members brought it up during the Show Champion recording both bands were participating in. The title of 'anti prince' started the playful teasing between the members, making someone bring up the name BTS' fans have come up for Seokjin - princess. With the started mockery, Jinji's defense mechanism reacted immediately, denying the playfulness with the later used excuse of not making the boy uncomfortable. The outcome of the unexpected pairing up resulted in the girl backfiring at her members while Jin was excusing her despite the initial embarrassment the comparison has brought him. Later on, the clip aired ended with a subtitle 'the villagers have angered the prince and the princess'. That having gotten them accustomed to the nicknames, the two discarded the discomfort and stuck with greeting one another on the variety shows both groups were participating in.


long drive

training duration: 1 year and 7 months

training background: 

Having Jinji start training under JYP Entertainment provided her with a sense of confidence for passing the auditions the first time she tried out. As a trainee, she kept her distance from the others to focus on improving her skills so she would make an instant debut. Six months into the training, Park Jinyoung decided to cut the number of trainees after the monthly evaluations with an exception of sending a few over to Cube Entertainment. With her sister having been a long time trainee at Cube, Jinji was the first one to volonteer to be transfered. Upon arrival, she stuck to her sister's side, beginning to put extra effort into her singing and dancing while falling behind in rapping lessons. The rough edged talents she had were shaped under the tough regime, and therefore enabled her to make a debut.

stage name: Jenny

persona: troublemaker

position: main vocalist

backup position: lead vocalist

fanclub names + colours: Jenions + hex: 0066ff

talent twins:

vocals: Crayon Pop's Choa

dancing: T-ara's ex member Ryu Hwayoung 

it's so hard to say goodbye

comments: I would like to thank you for giving me an extension once again. 

scene requests: 

I think it would be fun to have the girls' friends visit their own show once Sparkle has debuted and perhaps share some of the embarrassing stories or play a game together.

Another scene suggesstion would be having the dorm tour where the girls introduce their living space to the fans and maybe go through the bags packed for the schedule set for the following day to get acquainted with the member's likes and needs.


 variety: Weekly Idol
                   Ranking King
                   their own variety show, the type that's not yet been aired on MNET

• songs: BESTie - Love Options  
                5Dolls - Your words (I mean you)
                Dal Shabet - Mr. Bang Bang
                Miss A - Hush
                Miss A - Goodbye Baby
                Girl's Day - Look At Me 
                Girl's Day - Twinkle Twinkle
                Girl's Day - Oh! My God
                Girl's Day - Nothing Lasts Forever
                2eyes - Shooting Star
                Berry Good - Love Letter 
                Kiss&Cry - Domino Game

• endorsment: BB Cream
                             a clothing brand like STEVEYONI


password:  Sparkle Jenny 


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