Day 12 ~ The First Kpop Song You Ever Heard :)

Buahahahahahaha this story again??? X3 You all must be tired of hearing me ramble...

But okay :3

August of 2009 was a y summer for me. The summer prior, I lost both my grandpa and my dog within a matter of weeks. Summers always because it was always during the summers that things would go wrong. So when I was home, I'd spend my time wallowing in my sorrows on youtube.

I remember the night before I had watched Miss Congeniality with my dad. Towards the end where Sandra Bullock is in the Miss America pageant, the song "One in a Million" is played, by Bosson.

For whatever reason, I was having one of my music cravings where I HAD to listen to this song. So to satisfy my boredom, I decided to youtube the song. One of the first links to pop up said "DBSK - One In A Million". Being the curious 14 year old I was, I decided to click on the link.

Now, I'm aware, this isn't one of their songs. But it was a slideshow of five very beautiful looking boys that perked my interest more than the song. Because I knew that the song in the video didn't match the five boys, I decided to youtube this "DBSK" group.

Because I was hasty to find what they sounded like, I clicked on the very first link that came up, which just so happened to be Mirotic.

...Hoboy. Ho-freaking-boy.

That was the end of my sanity right there. I had never seen such a group of good looking and talented individuals. It was only natural that I fell for them. Mostly Yunho though ^^ ♥

So yeah...that's basically the story of how I fell into kpop. There's more to the story, but this is enough~


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Iheartlife #1
Haha omg that is pretty much the same thing that happened to me but I was looking up the music video for 2gethers "the hardest part of breaking up is getting back your stuff" lol. And the first DBSK song I looked up was Hug and then O. This was in 2006 (I was a freshman in HS) back when they still had that huge hair lol.
Since then my brain has been one big kpop melting pot lol.
haha yes I know how it feels. For me it was with the song Why did I fall in love with you?
my first was Big Bang's and 2NE1's 'Lollipop'.

I fell in love right there.

I remember going on a SHINee rage for only a few weeks before I ended up hating everyone except for Onew. :|
My first was SNSD Run Devil Run :) I was into J-Rock at the time and my one friend used to tease me about it. Then, a girl came to visit our ice rink from Korea (I'm a figure skater) and my friend befriended her. A few days later, I get a post on my facebook from my friend who befriended the Korean girl with a link to the Run Devil Run mv (along with a note saying how much she loved Asian music now) and today we now obsess over kpop to no end ^_^ lol
I like how you just fell into's like fate :)
lol thats how you *met* kpop, you *fell* for kpop a year later at my birthday party when Jessii-cup introduced us to five more hot guys under the same label, SHINee♥ rofl
Lounari #7
Mhmm. Yunho is a y y y @$#%&^&%#^@$RTWRGHBGV CATRG. :)

My first was Neorago. <3
my 1st kpop song I think was Wonder Girls - Nobody or it might've been SHINee's Ring Ring Dong ...