
They quarreled on Friday, forcing us to choose between them, accusing each other of emotional blackmail and, "Everything I do is for your sake." All that bull, I would believe them if they do not make it so hard for me. Who do I ask to pay for my dance fees? I can't pay for my dreams, I can't do anything, all because I'm a little kid, these pieces of . They quarreled, the quarrel was years overdue, they could have resolved it earlier but it turned into a big, nasty thing, how could they do this to us?


I got terrified, cried, called my instructor. In truth I knew of their ruined marriage, their chaotic relationship, but I've never seen them hollering at each other. Her voice had a calming effect even though she gave me generic advice, perhaps it's because they've experienced it before. They invited me to my house and he joked about my parents and divorce (it was surprisingly funny).


After I cried I was calm, and unlike my sister who's still crying about it, I accepted it. But I'm still angry, who wouldn't be? I have to endure all these, can't pay for my dance intensive, can't chase my dreams easily just because of a stupid feud between two convoluted adults.


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