Officially an adult

It's the 23rd today, and it's my birthday.

I am now 21, this means I'm an adult. And I'm sort of having an emotional breakdown over it.


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Actually when you turn 18 is when your officially an adult. But I know how you feel, im 21 turning 22 in less than 2 weeks. Imagine how I feel. But you'll still feel like a 16 year old fan girl no matter how old you get
tolerance #2
i'm turning 19 in about a month and i'm having a melt down. whomp.
ROFL isn't 18 the official adult age? XD
Look here...I will be 22 in 16 days....And I feel NO CHANGE. I am still behaving like a kid, and I don' t care about it right now....By the way... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
★I had one too when I turned 21 and that was in March!!! Btw happy 21st birthday!!!★
happy birthday :) even though it's only the 22th in ireland xD