Ask me about my stories - Answers!

This question was asked so most so I answer this universally for all who asked:

Do you plan to publish The Legends/make them available on AFF again?

I plan to publish The Legends after I have rewritten and edit them, though I am still not quite sure if I am going to take the traditional way or self publish, but I definitely will publish them somehow.

To be honest, I probably won't ever make them public on AFF again. If I would, Messenger would probably get featured right now on the M rated stories and I don't want that to happen somehow. I don't even know why I wrote this in the second person's perspective and that is actually on of the main reasons, that and my horrible grammar at that time :'D

Besides, The Legends are my babies and I am so tired of people plagiarizing them and with that I mean especially them!


LezLei asked:
"I have a question to ask to you for a long time :) Actually, I was wondering who is your inspiration in making stories? And also is writing stories your hobby or is it your dream to become an author? :D"

I don't have any particular person who inspires me to write but my favorite authors are Nalini singh and Lara Adrian. Writing stories is mostly a hobby for me but I do want to become an author, though I will study at a university for another kind of job^^


-Jihan- asked:
"I'll just say your brain is a thing i will never ever understand! XD It blows my mind everytime… how do you keep up with your ideas?"

There is no special way for me to keep my ideas, actually^^ If I continue writing a story, like Two Moons or Black Pearl, my mind calls up the ideas on its own without me thinking too much.
I mentioned this before but I don't think in words but in pictures, so my mind calls up pictures for each story and what I've written so far plays more or less like a movie in my head^^


Brokenhope asked:
"How do you manage so many stories at once?"

I don't know, to be honest. Maybe it helps that I don't lose the ideas for my stories, or what I want to write for them^^


pinnochi asked:
"how do you manage to update your stories everyday and still have your social life in balance?"

Hmm I think it helps that I am more of a visionary person. I don't have to think what I want to write since I have the scene in pictures/ as a film already in my head, which makes it a lot easier to write, I think

It also helps me a lot that my friends know that I am writing. They know that I like Kpop music, that I love mangas and animes, certain series and movies, that I am a , that I can fangirl a lot, etc. There is not much that I am hiding from them and they accept me as I am, which also makes my social life easier.

I've read many posts here that people are scared of their friends finding out that they write here, that they like Kpop, etc etc, that they are scared of boys making fun of them, that they are scared of being rejected and more. Since my friends know and that I am not exactly scared of those things regarding boys, it helps a lot as well, I think^^


Orangeflowergirl asked:
"Are you going to publish two moons? I think you should, it definitely has an original plot and has a nice romance fantasy mix together. Maybe some changes here and there and you're ready to publishhhh! Hehe ^^"

I don't really know if I am going to publish Two Moons. On the one hand, I want to but on the other hand not because of the actual high school theme, which I am actually no fan of.


Chaa04 asked:
"Why do you make the legends stories? How you get all the name for the fantasy world that you make?? And WHY YOU CAN MAKE SUCH A GOOD STORIES??"

I just wanted to write a Kai story at that time and something that was more fantasy themed because there were way too many school romance stories at that time, and after I found my joy in writing fantasy with War of Gods, I wrote The Legends^^
Uhh, I don't know? I don't think my stories are especially great in particular^^


shygirl23 asked:
"Uhmm. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote and which is your favorite among your stories? :)"

My first fanfic was a Block B story but I deleted that already^^ My favorite among my stories are The Legends without a doubt^^


Kim-In-A asked:
"What inspired you to use dragons in 'Black Pearl' and the most important question is .... When are you gonna be updating that (kidding)"

Nothing, quite frankly. I simply wanted to use dragons. No special inspiration from anyone or anything^^


fanqin asked:
Hmmm let's see... what should I ask? Ah, I guess I will ask you about your old stories... mostly the one shots... the promise to make them a story..? Do you remember? *cough* hehe..

Next, is.. though I cam guess and know the answer, I can't help but always wondering and be amazed as how do you always come up with amazing and crazy ideas of fantasy, supernatural, names of people and places, fight scenes, magical abilities , characteristics, etc etc.... I admire you.. really... ;A; well in the end I dont really have many questions regarding your stories, not that I can think of as of now... maybe later when I find it? Hehe..."

Many people asked me about my one shots but I don't really know if I am going to continue them. The possibility is not high though because I have enough stories to finish at the moment.

Sometimes I just invent certain names for places, persons, worlds, etc, but sometimes I also search them up in the net. Növény from The Legends: Anima is the Hungarian word for plant, as an example^^


AnnaPear asked:
"Which boy in two moons do you like the most? It dosent mean that i am asking you with who she would end up :)
do you have books who inspired you ?"

Uff, that is a difficult question XD I like all the characters but my favorite male characters are Pýr, Mao, Kinji and Rui. You will see why I mentioned Kinji here in the future chapters :)
As I mentioned above, the books from Nalini Singh and Lara Adrian inspire me the most, but also Jaqueline Franklin. Lately, I've been into Maze Runner a lot, the Hunger Games, Divergent and I am planning to read Ender's Game series as well^^


Moogeunie asked:
"Who in Two Moons and the Misfits are the closest to your own personality/character (disregard the gender of the characters)?"

Hmm Let me think about it. In both stories the female main characters - Hana and Siyeon - are very close to my own personality. Besides them, Baekhyun in The Misfits and Two Moons as well because I can be quite short tempered and angry at times. Then there is Lay in The Misfits; Actually, I am a caring person but most people actually don't see what is behind all that caring and nice facade.
And then there is Mao, of course. If you guys know me better, then you would actually know that I am quite a ert and I am very smug, which leads me to Anri as well, who portrays the flirtatious and rather ual side of me. Partly Pýr as well because I curse most of the time^^


fashionpinda asked:
"What were you doing when you came up with the plot for the misfits?"

It is a bit difficult to answer the question because I don't know anymore :'D I was listening to music and reading a manga, I think, and I was one facebook and youtube as I stumbled over that one video that incorporated Exo in the movie "Priest" and coincidence or not, I watched "Priest" the day before and thought that it would be a cool idea do write another kind of vampire story (not like Twilight or Vampire Diaries).


fashinpinda asked:
"Which of all the characters you have created is the one who would resemble you the most?"

There are a few characters who resemble me because nearly every character I created has traits of me. As I mentioned above, Anri from The Misfits: Lost King resembles me pretty much, Siyeon as well but the one who probably resembles me the most is Ahri from The Legends: Rebirth.


marymary4545 asked:
"Ok ,I would like to ask you a few things..:D
First, in Two Moons what character you like the best? (male and female) .
Second, what inspired you to write Two Moons? Like do you remember what you were doing or thinking about when inspiration hit you? :D
Third, how many chapters has The Misfits: Lost King ? I didn't read the story the first time you wrote it,so I don't really know how many chapters it has..
And this is not really about your stories, but why did you change your profile name? I like this one too btw..I only know you had Navi and then Akacchiin and now Tenka..:D Did your profile had another name before those?
Thanks ^^"

I meantioned before that I like Mao, Pýr, Kinji and Kinji the most, but I also like Kai and Baekhyun very much. From the female characters I like Siyeon, Ara and Mori. Of course you guys don't know much about Mori yet but there is more to come ;)
Hmm, I had a first version first and it quickly turned into a harem story but I wasn't satisfied with the storyline and and the character development, especially not after I wrote The Misfits, so I rewrote everything again but kept the harem theme. I actually had no particular inspiration for the new storyline, so I pretty made everything up on my own^^

The first version had about 89 chapters, I think but of course I wasn't finished yet so I can't say how many chapters the story will have in the end.

I changed my username because I wanted to XD I got bored of Akacchiin so it was time for a new one. There was only Navi_7769 and Akacchiin, no other usernames before that^^


lavidaloca23 asked:
"How did you write a fantasy story? I mean, did you need to fantasize a lot hahaha. I tried to do one but.... I gave up. It was hard for me to generate the idea and idk. I guess writing is not for me ( but i love to write....)"

It's personal preference, I guess. There are some authors who tend to write fantasy and there are authors who tend to write more reality based. Personally, I belong to the first, though it doesn't mean that I can't write the latter as well.
Anyways, yes, you need a lot of imagination as well. What I like in fantasy is that you have endless possibilities and that you don't have to be too exact with certain things.

I daydream a lot and can get inspired by the littlest things, and that i think in pictures is a big help, I guess. My secret to my stories is: Not thinking about what you want to write XD


NeeVix asked:
"are you the type that plan your story beforehand or you just sit in front of your computer and imagination start coming to you then you write?
how you manage your update for some of your stories? are you just waiting till the inspiration come for one of your stories? or you have a schedule, like: monday you will type a little bit for misfits, wednesday you will type a lil bit for two moons, etc?"

I don't plan my stories beforehand. Sometimes I don't even have an outline for my story. I mostly have a scene of the story I want to write in my head and I simply work towards that scene. If the scene is the end, then I simply write, if the scene is something in the middle of the story and I have reached that scene and need an end, I work from that scene on to a plausible end, considering what I have written so far.

Most of the time I sit in front of my laptop and do the writing as a secondary motion because I most of the watch movies our youtube videos or listen to music.

I don't wait for the inspiration to come. If I have a story and decide to write a new chap for it, my mind simply spits out the ideas, considering, of course, what I have written so far^^ There is no special schedule I follow. I could update any of my stories any day. It mostly depends on if I have any motivation to write a new chap for a certain story or if I want to be lazy, or if I am too busy.

It's also possible that they storyline can change throughout the process of writing^^


pevvie asked:
"I ve always wanted to ask this many chapters do u plan to finish Two Moon? :)"

I can't give a definite answer to this because I don't plan my stories that much ahead but I would say roughly between 200-300 chaps maybe??? I don't know :'D


sujushineeroc asked:
"I was wondering how you actually go about getting into writing your stories. Do you just develop the idea in your mind and then start writing or do you make drafts of some kind? How do you go about deciding what to write for a chapter? Do you just write a chapter on the get go each time or do you write down a rough draft and follow along that as you write your chapters?"

Neevix asked a similar question to yours^^

I have a very rough draft, sometimes none and I mostly write as a secondary activity at my laptop. I don't decide what I want to write specifially, I just follow what is in my mind. It's hard to understand, I know XD
As I said, it's a lot easier if you think in pictures than in words or numbers. Haha yeah, I write every chapter on the get go without much planning^^



And that is all^^ Hope it helps you guys out somehow^^


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Hello, I just want to say your stories are truly inspiring and I probably doubt you're going to see this message, but I really do hope you put the Legend Series back up as I never got the chance to read them yet and if you can't then I will wait till you publish all the series. Another quick question, if you do publish the Legend series PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! keep all the characters the same. Thank you!
Hello Ms Author.. I have always been a silent reader and only reading your fanfics without commenting but I sincerely enjoyed them.. Thanks for always putting the effort to write such long chapters that not many authors can pull off.. To be honest, I was quite saddened when I found out that your Legends series were made private but since you are going to publish it, I wish you good luck with it and also look forward to the day when I can read it again.. Thanks:) - Silent fan from Singapore
Jumin13 #3
You're publishing The Legends?! OMG YES! Thats my favorite series, favorite fantasy,...favorite of all time! Thats the best series out of all the series that i've ever read and if you're going to publish it theres gonna be a The Legends fandom and its gonna be huge because its a perfect fantasy series tbh
as dramatic as it sounds it was heartbreaking when i was about to reread The Legends again and couldnt access it and wondered for a loooong time why but now i know lol xD!
Keep up the good work authornim! I love all of your stories and you're the best author!
Hanaaa_ #4
200-300 chapters for two moon?! Oh my days! I'm so excited and can't wait to see how you will develop all the characters. Fighting authornim!
Thank you so much for answering my questionnnnnn ~ ( i feel like i actually exist :'D .. ppffff looool)
well you only proved to me more that you're an amazing writer with unique ideas v__v i love ur stories so much and keep up the good work !
Aww you answer mine even thougj my "question" is not really a question >___> I am ashamed of myself. Reading your answers, made me realized that I also wanna know who you like the most in Two Moons, and I'm glad someone already mention it! Well, as to why you like Mori... I would like to know the reason too >_<

About what inspires ypu to write The Misfits.. I will always be thankful to you for writing it!! I freaking love vampire based stories but I dont wanna the sappy forbidden love between vampire n human, and based on high school romance at that. Oh no.

You have been feeding my greed to fantasy-genre stories, with the right amount of violence, , n blood(?) Lmao

thanks for the answers and good day!!
Thank you for answering my questions :D
Those 4 dudez are my favorites too in Two Moons :D Mao, Pýr, Rui and Kinji :) I too relate to Pýr because I swear a lot, mostly in my mind though :))
I'm so excited about the next chapters when you'll reveal stuff about Kinji. He's so badass!:D
And Mori, I'm guessing she'll play a rather important role in the next part of the story,I'm fidgeting in my chair right now!:))
You are so talented:D and I can relate to you on one thing, I think in pictures too. I like to run my imagination wild almost all the time, regardless of the place I'm at or what I'm doing. I can lose myself without having to pay attention to something boring :D I don't like to imagine myself being in the stories, so I always choose a character in my mind and from there I make her/him do a lot of stuff:)). That is another thing I like about all of your OCs :D
Mostly fantasy stories fly in my head. Music helps me a lot :)
But I lack the talent of writing it all down.I tried a few times, but I wasn't satisfied, it didn't feel like it was in my head.
Let me just say that I like all three names your profile had, but my all time favorite will be Akacchiin, because that was the name when I first discovered your profile *cheesy grin*
The Ender series are worth reading!:D I fell in love with them. Another series I would recommend to you is The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. I liked them :D
Fighting! You will definitely be an awesome author, I know it!^^
teaquiIa #8
so the conclusion is, your brain is an idea factory. like seriously sifu, why can't you rest for a while, it's like you kept getting ideas non stop. why sifu, why, let me have your brain

and let me love you *bombs your house with my fart* yiha
Chaa04 #9
Woooo, YOU ANSWER MY QUESTION!!! Im shocked, because there is so many people asking and im got to be the lucky one!!! I really love war of god to with the whole roman myth too!! Thankyou again for answering!! You planning to rewrite the legend!?? Cant waitt!!! Thankyouuu
We have the same fave series too! The first story of yours that i read was The Legends: Messenger and from then on, I started liking your other stories :)) If you're publishing The Legends into a book, I'd srsly find one and buy a copy of it. I miss all the action and the plot! It was just amazing. :))
Waait, so you're telling us that you'er planning to publish The Legends?!
like publishing into a book? O_O
OMG I don't know, I'm so happy ot hear this cause seriously, I love those stories so much, that I would totally buy the books if they're published! :D i might even think of making a trip to germany to get your autograph on it or something xD

but seriously thats awesome ^^
If its like that, may I ask then, are you maybe planning to publish the Misfits as well?
I find it quite sad that the legends won't be avaible anymore on AFF, but if that means you're getting a book published, it still makes me rpetty happy, and it's very tiring to get your own stories plagiarized every time :(

Ahnri... (ugh the elgends is a bit far away, let me think..) was Ahri, she's the one paired up with chanyeol? right? or am i msitaken? O_O

this is fun ^^ anyways, good luck with everything as always, and fighting!! :D
Oh ehm. My favorite character in all of your stories is Ahri from The Legends: Rebirth aka my favorite The Legends aside from Luhan's and Baek's. (cause spells and ehem, Chanyeol and I still remember that one hot rated chapter like hoho <3) ;-; The fact that you can relate to her the most makes me feel special without any reason. T^T The legends became my favorite fantasy story in aff, leading me to truly love supernatural fantasy (which disturbs my classmates btw which is effing weird) stories. It's all thanks to you~ I don't even know the reason why I'm writing this. But yeah, you're awesome!
Thank you for answering the questions ^^ you're an amazig author and I admire you for how open you are abouy everything and how your mind works to create amazing stories
angel41195 #14
You, girl, are amazing. No joke, you are the real deal! This is some serious raw talent that you have here, and I am so happy that you are willing to share it with us!!