Let me get this right...

... I love you guys - my readers - a lot but sometimes some of you (not all!) are incredible, and I mean that in a bad way. Sure, I can be quite annoying as well, I know that but that is not the point here now XD


There are many silent readers out there and only a few who comment under stories, and I appreciate the latter the most, but some of the "silent" readers seriously take the cake.


You guys never comment but then around when I or other authors don't update regularly? Who do you think you guys are?


During my vacation a few weeks ago I wrote a blogpost why I would put my stories on friends only and put the link on my profile status so that everyone could see it. The most did but there were some especially brilliant people who spammed my wall with comments like "Why are your stories on friends only :((((("
I didn't answer those because I simply didn't want to.

But then there was one special snow flake who wrote "Why are your stories on friends only? I even upvoted and subscribed."

Applause for you, honey. First of all, my stories are on subscribers only so if you want to read my stories, you have to subscribe. Secondly, I don't even care if someone upvotes my stories or not.

Another one wrote: "Closing your story or making it to friends won't even let me access the story. Besides I would never do that."

I give a rats about what you would do or not. That specific user there never commented before and never spoke a word with me before and then she writes something like this. My initial thought was "what the ?!", my second thought was "what the , who are you? You are no one special to me, so why should I let you access my stories when others besides my AFF friends can't?"

I wrote her and then she wrote this back:

"Of course, you don't understand because you're not me, but saying that the I didn't read your blogpost and stating that I obviously didn't read. That is based on all assumptions. I'm writing on your wall because i'm voicing out my opinions if you like to know because the wall post is for other readers/authors to message you. I know that other people don't have any access to your story. "

I didn't know if I should face palm or face wall. If she would have read my blogpost, she would have known my reasons to put my stories on friends only during my absence, so the first part of her reply was utter nonsene. And the last part made no sense at all to me because she voiced out her opinion to what? That I put my stories on friends only with reasons which I explained before I put my stories on friends only several times in my stories and then in the blogpost?

In the last few days I received more comments and pms about why I don't update this or this story from readers who never comment or even talk to me. "I still wait for this story to be updated!", "Please update this story!!"

I find it amazing that these people who never leave a comment either on your story or on your wall only write you when they want a certain story to be updated.

To those people: I update my stories when I want and not when you demand me to do it, just like you guys actually never say something regarding the story when I or other authors ask you to leave comments, which actually can help us.



I haven't ranted in quite a while but I wanted to get this off my chest because it is annoying to receive constant messages with those words only.


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that's just plain stupid and mean.. uugghhhhhhhh.... just sorry you have to put up with these kind of people.. they are just selfish and crazy and only think for themselves.. why can't they be just thankful that your taking your time, patience and being generous on sharing your story... jeez.... it's gonna be alright i guess.. you don't live for them, what you do and what you want is none of their business.. they should just learn to off... just be your amazing self and everything will be fine... take care dear and enjoy thailand! =D
Dang girl, why is she so rude? I don't understand why others just don't respect your decisions. It's not like you're obliged to write and write and write just because they subscribed and upvoted. Like, no. They weren't forced so they should not expect something so big. I understand how much it annoys you to get these messages especially the ones for The Legends and I'm sorry in behalf of them. I can see your dedication on all of your stories and if there comes a time that you just feel the need to update because of us, please don't. :( It's so much better to see YOU in your stories and that's what makes your stories so fun to read. Keep being amazing. :)
angel41195 #3
And I am sorry, I am one of your readers who tend not to comment on your stories, but I just don't know what to write in the comments after each chapter that gets updated! I feel that if I say anything, it wouldn't be enough and that it wouldn't completely express how I felt or my observations when reading. And I also feel that you wouldn't really care for or really appreciate a one-liner just saying something like "Wow, great chapter! I can't wait for the next one to see what happens!" or something like that, so I usually end up at a loss for what to say...Well, if you did read this, thank you for taking the time to read my weird message that I'm probably gonna regret somehow in posting hahaha
PearLee #4
good thing you have a place for you to say about your dissatisfaction and us to hear out, if not i wonder how can you bear to remain in this site..been a while since I logged in, and I was surprise that you changed your username..haha, btw nice hair colour you have :)
WOW that's... a little demanding don't you think? -a lot- but well I don't mind if you're just putting the stories for only friends. Is there any option in AFF to block a certain user? If there is, you should. People are really ungrateful :/
whatthebeck #6
*sigh* some AFF users are so.. immature and idiotic sometimes.. they're obviously super young and/or super ignorant! I'm so sorry you have to put up with that :(
WOWWWWWWWWW...IMO that user was pulling stuff out of their a**...you've had issues with plagiarism before so I COMPLETELY understand why you put it to "friends only" for awhile...again, you're doing US a favour by writing these stories...NOT the other way around...=_=

Plus, if people actually read your blog they'd know that you're travelling and when people travel they don't really need this kinda sh**...I would've just gone AFK and chilled (I mean vacations=relax, right?). =_= The nerve of some people. We all have lives and other sh** to do, geez...the inconsideration of some ignorant, naive readers.
dang, rude much. i think you've explained more than enough to why your stories are on friends only. they should be thankful that you actually let your stories public after everything.
they are so rude ... forget about them they are bunch of stupid ppl ... we love you and your stories whether if you update daily or yearly .. you have your own life and you deserve to live it the way you want with no pressure ..
they should be thankful that you made your stories public again
block them if there is away to
have a good day
thank you so much and you are an amazing writer .. love you ^_^
I understand how you feel.. It's your choice whether it's in friends mode or not
thanks for spending precious time writing and updating them for us <3
~_~ are these ppl for real ?? some are obviously lacking in common sense and basic manners….thats all I'm saying.
missbluz #12
This ain't AFF if no happens. It was peaceful that I was wondering if goofballs dissappeared from the planet. Maybe I jinxed you? -_- sorry

Isn't there a way to block someone? I'd do that if I were you.

I want to read two moons but I forgot the end and rereading it will take forever cuz of finals. My professors are crule T.T

BTW the author of yhe blogpost is Akacchiin O_o I think the site is acting up again lol
Aiyoo, I think ever since the big big incident in past months reader would learn their lesson the hard way, but I guess not >_> hmm... there's a possibility that they're new readers, but that is no excuse to be rude to you or to any other authors..

Well, I cant really say anything.. but I wany to say this. Maybe, it'll be better if you don't answer/reply stupid-rude comments, bcs their feedback will be 100% way more ruder and idiot.... so save your heart from further getting hurt..??

but well, that's just my opinion :')

And here I hope after your hiatus they will change :c