Please keep my AFF account a secret

Hi guys,

I hope whatever I post here remains here. With regards to my previous blog post 'Call youself an f(x)', I truly appreciate your comments and kinds gestures towards me. 

I would like to keep this AFF account a secret due to privacy issues and simply also because I'm more of myself here than on twitter or facebook. Twitter and Facebook includes both family and friends and not all are supportive towards this AFF account.

So please do me a very big favour and seperate my AFF post from my twitter post. I posted 'Call youself an f(x) on twitter also. So, if you happen to read it, please treat it as a new post and retweet or favourite it if you're on the same boat.

Thank you very much.

Hope you understand me.


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SHINee707 #1
Okay authornim fighting!!!!