Rant On Subscribers/Commenters


Okay, so we all have readers that don't necessarily subscribe, but continue to read your story. I appreaciate that, but why is it so hard to subscribe to a story? It doesn't take much and if it's about not being known for reading this story you shouldn't worry about it because most of the time Authors would hide their subscriber count. At least I do for my readers privacy.

And then there's the comment section. Authors, or at least myself, ask for a comment because we want to know what you are thinking, what did you think of the story. When there's no comments, again personally for me, I find it discouraging and most of the times I don't want to continue my stories. There have been many times where I wanted to discontinue a story and I think they will be a day where I will most likely stop writing stories.

Maybe, I am being immature about it, especially since I am passionate about writing and shouldn't let the number of comments or subscribers bother me, but I can't help that it does. As a writer I want to hear other people's input; constructive critism is fine, but don't become rude. The only reason I would appreciate sunscribers and comments is because I want to know how many of you like it, and I want others to be able to read it as well.

I was going to update Tao's story, but I have lost the feel for it so I don't know when I will begin to write it and complete it. I feel incredibly discourage, but I might get over it. Also, I would like to address something: "Mad Smile" and "The Girl With Fire for Hair" are both written in an earlier time period so the character's won't be speaking modern English. I had to do research to find a tone for "The Girl With Fire for Hair" because it is set in the 1800s and that might be why I feel a little down. I always study, put hardwork into my characters and then there's that feeling of not being appreciated. That's all I really had to say. Right now, I'm not feeling well therefore I don't what will happen to my stories. Also, I have placed all my stories for "subscribers only" just to take notice of something. I would look at statistics.


EDIT 06:46 AM 14/08/20

I won't discontinue my stories. This was written when I was overwhelmed with emotions and I needed an outlet. Once, I took notice of things I just had to say what was bothering me since I couldn't cope the other happenings in my life. Tao's following chapter would be posted soon as rubbish as it sounds I hope you all continue to enjoy it.


- Jubi


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First of all: I get lack of comments/subscribers can be discouraging I really do understand where you're coming from on that. But at the same time, people also have the right to not subscribe and comment. I comment on stories yes but not for every chapter or every update: Usually I like to wait to comment when the story is finished so I can give my full thoughts on it and how I fully felt for the story ^^ Comments do drive us authors yes, but they shouldn't be the ONLY thing that drives us to write.

Do you love your story?

Are you proud of your story?

If you love your story and you're proud of it and the amount of research you put into it, then keep writing it ^^ Easier said then done but try not to let lack of comments discourage you from writing. If we force people to comment, it'll only drive the reader away from your story or it'll make them feel guilty for not commenting that's not the way to go either to get more readers/commenters.

I hope I'm not being mean I'm really not, I just dislike seeing authors feel down on theirself because they have a lack of views. It's hard, but if you really love your story then keep at it ^^ Writers don't become known overnight after all.
I understand and get you, I'm not gonna say I completely understand you but even if it is just a little bit, I feel like I get where you are coming from. And I also don't know if you are being immature about it but I definitely do know there are other authors out there that could feel the same way or get frustrated because of it. I don't really think it is hard to subscribe to a story if you ask, though I guess that depends on the type of person. You brought up how sometimes readers might read a story and not be subscribed to it, and not gonna lie, I'm like that sometimes. Just because someone may like a story or is interested to continue reading on doesn't automatically mean they have to subscribe to it. Like with me, I like to read a good chunk amount of a story to see if I really like it enough to subscribe to it, and if not I'll just read it without subscribing because I liked it but not all that much. Now onto the topic of comment, I will say I can agree with you there, heck I even made my own type of commenting rant (not really about people commenting more but about commenting) and I'm just gonna say this: not everyone always comments on everything. Truefully I love it when I get comments on my stories, I cherish them, but being a reader myself I can probably understand that sometimes they can be silent, shy, or can't really find anything to comment on and that's completely fine if you ask me. You just gotta be patience with them (maybe even try interacting with them). I'm passionate about writing too (so much that I am taking writing classes at my school this year) and like you said, it shouldn't stop you if you like to write so much but that's fine since people are different. But writing is a difficult task to do and takes time to go through the different stages of it; reviews and such play a role in it but sometimes you just gotta wait till the day those comments and subscribers come to you :) Hopefully I didn't offend you in any way ^^ & have a good day~
Personally, I only comment and subscribe once I reach the end of the story (as in, the most recent update). I don't comment on every single chapter and subscribe once I read up to the end, since then I'll want to know what happens next and will want to be notified as to when that will happen. Commenting also only happens when I found something particularly interesting or deserving of praise or if I have any questions. Then I'll go all out with my singing of praise. If you want more comments, maybe write something that will compel a reaction. Do something unexpected or out of the norm. Maybe a plot twist. Don't get hung up over comments and subscriptions because, as a writer, you should be doing this for yourself. Only then will you do your very best. I know comments are lovely to read and are a great morale booster but think of it as an investment. I know a lot of people only comment on completed stories so just persevere until that point. Happy writing~