Art + random thoughts

Sometimes we may not get the meaning of art, for example, the choreography of dance or the writer's craft. Is there a need to make up meaning for art, as if it would make up for the fact that art is essentially something useless in your eyes, because it's not what society wants. But society is "us", you and me. So the notion that art is useless have to stop, so we should stop conforming to society.


So the person who said that I need grades to go anywhere in Singapore/Asia/the world needs to stop because I don't care about going anywhere, I don't care about getting fame. What I care about is whether I can continue dance lessons, the tensions in my family. I feel as if I understood everything all of a sudden, realising that I have a choice in everything, I have a freaking choice.


We should stop conforming to society because grades may be important now as it determines our status in society (and blah blah blah) but it may not be the case when we grow up and start working. Maybe we could even make contributions to society, start new markets, be a pioneer in the areas we want to specialize in, so why not chase our dreams, our passions? Even if we are lacking in that area, we could work hard and make up for it, convince people why your dreams are so important even when it's tough. If you give up at the slightest obstacle, is it really your dream? Dreams are motivation, but they are more than motivation.


Passions, are something akin to oxygen, you love it so much you can't live without it and you'll sacrifice many things for it. If it's not the case for you, then it ain't your passion, but an interest, and never confuse interest with passion as they are two different things.


Shut up about society status and like that, because I don't belong, I'll never fit in, so I might as well stand out, dance outside the classrooms, corridoors, staircases, public transport, anywhere. I could find people who understands and feels the need to dance 24/7, they'll understand and they'll be happy to have a friend who listens, understands. Shut up, just because you wouldn't put in the effort to make your dance moves perfect, just because you wouldn't make dance your life (because it's too tough) doesn't mean that I wouldn't. I would and many others would, they are dying to do it, dance. We all have dreams, no matter how big or small. I don't want to trudge through life aimlessly now that I know what I want to do, how to do it.


I don't know why I'm angry, I guess I'll always be angry that people around me will never understand, never understand no matter how much I want to be one, no matter how much I show it. Drawing, writing out the name of my dance company everywhere, having social media accounts that scream dance, talking about it, tattoos...


I guess that is to be expected? Art isn't useless, art is beautiful, art may be everything you need when you are crumbling, beauty may be all you need. We need education, talent, we need beauty, we need love, passion. Passion is air, the air that we breathe in.


If you don't feel that way about something you claim is passion, then you're not passionate about it, you're just interested, and that interest will fade.


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