I need advice :(

lately I’ve been dreaming about my sick aunt...


Before her health drop down a couple of months ago, I even went there to look out for her.

During that time she's being under diagnosis about what her sickness is.

Then later on we found out that her kidney is deteriorating rapidly so she went to have a

Blood dialysis immediately.


The first thing that enters my mind that time was,

My aunt so old now, I hope that she could still make it.


The problem is, I’m so afraid to visit her right now.

Call me paranoid or whatever but whenever I visit a very sick person whether they're my relatives or just

Someone I know, they immediately pass away right after I left.

Maybe I am just paranoid... but it didn't happen just once or twice...

It already happened quite a lot for me to ignore that stupid paranoia of mine.


I so miss my aunt and I’m so worried about her but am too afraid...

My uncle says, I better pay her a visit now or else I might regret it later on...

But there's tiny bit part of saying I still don't want to even if...

Especially now that they keep on telling me that she's looking for me a lot.

I’m really sad when I heard that.


And you know what I hate a lot about those dreams...

Is that in my dreams she's so healthy and nagging

She’s always been the nagging type especially to me

And what's more scary is that my dead aunt and grandmother was

Always there asking her to come with them, but she would always

Refuse them saying that she's waiting for because we still have to go somewhere else first.


Right now, my eyes are getting teary.

Every night before I go to bed and every morning before I start my day, I pray for her.

What should I do?



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hecate_aristocrat #1
i'm going through the same thing right now with my dad. he was being diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor and it can't be cured. i am currently working in another city but i try to go home every weekend to see him. because i don't know how long he has left and i know seeing me by his side makes him happy so i think you should see your aunt and don't think that you visiting her means she will go immediately... that's just your mind playing tricks on you... go see her and make her happy :)
I believe you should visit your aunt. She wants to see you, and you do too right? So I think you should visit her. I won't call you paranoid but I just want to say it might not necessarily appear that way. It could be a coincidence as well. For now, I suggest you visit her or else like your uncle said, you may regret it later. Stay strong :)
i think you should visit your aunt,she wants to see right..?and stop thinking about the dead(sorry for your aunt and grandma)..have more faith..and i hope your aunt will be okay now.
ooh sorry for your aunt ~
I think you should see her, maybe it's just a coincidence and it's the faith......
I don't really know what can I say but keep praying, I will pray with you for her.
Please God be with you this time ^^.