~:.:~We Got Married!~:.:~Special Season~:.:~

Applicaton for we got married:

Name: Jung Byun Jin

Gender: Male

Birthday: 06/06/1992

Age: 19 years old

Blood Type: O positive


I was a 19 years old boy with a mature personality. I the type that always trying not to make a first move in anything. Even though I'm  good in it, I will let other people make the first move. Sometimes I do get childish when I need to lighten up the mood. Other than that situation, I always be the boy that just keep his words for himself. I'm blush easily. Whenever I with someone that I like or love, my face automatically turn into deep red. I like to smile a lot than talking. First because I don't really know what topic should I talk about and second because to me, smiling is the best language in the world. I was the type that can easily laugh even if someone make a silly jokes. I just can't help myself from laughing. I should never been left alone when I have to go out to somewhere. It because I really bad with direction and always got lost. The only ways that I remember clearly was the way to go to my school and the way to go to my work place. Other than that I need someone to show me. I also forgetful. But not the type that forget about where he/she put stuff like that. I'm the type that sometime can forgot about what I suppose to say. Well, at first I do remember it. But if I didn't keep remembering or didn't write it on something, I definitely forget about it. I the type that never give up even if I fail hundreds time. I will keep trying until someone stop me or I success in it. I'm a ice-cream maniac. I always like to eat any kind of ice-cream. I even mumble about ice cream when I sleep. When I feel really tired, later on the night I will sleep-walking. First 4 hours I still on my bed, but after that I will walk to a place that I feel comfortable and sleep at there with my human-size panda until morning. I'm also the type that need to take some time to get use with someone. After I get use with that person, my shy side will turn into friendly side slowly.

Partner: Onew(SHINee)


your partner rents an apartment. but when it comes to decoratring it, he/she failed. getting your personality all wrong. how do you react?

I tell him that it was nice but there is some part that I don't really like so I want to change it. He must feel dissapointed. So I 'll give him fried chicken as reward if he agree with the change.

your partner goes up for a challenge during all the couple's picnic, against one of the other couple's spouse, he/she boasts that she'll win the awesome prize, and then ends up losing epicly in the end. what was your cheer for them, and do you think it pumped them up or made you think you were weird?

The first thing I do is give him fried chicken and crack some silly joke to boast up his mood. Then I tell him that it okay to lose. Because failure is the key to sucees and I don't mind whether he win or lose, as long he didn't give up and try his best in what ever he do.

how do you and your partner show that your a 'married couple'?

Most of the time, when we walk our hand were intertwine with each other. And he was the one that always make the first move. Since he is the oldest and the most childish between us, I just let he do what ever he want. As long as he happy, I'm okay with it.

Nicknames for eachother:

Onew~> Chucky

Byun Jin~>Bunny Ji

how did you choose the nicknames?:

Since he is a chukler, I decide to call him Chunky to make it more cute. While for me, Onew pick it because that the first thing that he thing when he hear my name.

What about the 'married couple' symbol? [please have a picture to go with it]

Your characters appearance [please no idols/ullzangs, please choose a normal looking person]:

Pic 1

Pic 2

your favorite picture of your partner:

What you two wear when at the apartment you two share:

We both just wear a simple T-shirt with jean or short. But sometime I will just wear singlet with short. Mostly we just wear anything that simple and comfortable.

What the two of you wore on your first date:

Onew~> Wearing a white skinny-jean with white belt and baby-blue short-sleeves T-shirt. And white sneaker.

Byun Jin~> Wears  saddle brown short and black hoodie with spectacle and white sneaker.

what the two of you wore for your wedding pictures:

Onew~> Tuxedo.

Byun Jin~> Black dress-pant with white long-sleeve shirt.

anything special you do for eachother:

Onew always lighten up my mood whenever I'm down. And he also cook for me when he hungry. Even thought Onew was kind of childish but he always take a good care of me since I is younger than him. While me always try to cover up all the mistake that Onew make. Whether losing in something or ruining someone mood. When Onew take care the food, I will take care with chores in the house. If Onew done cooking, sometimes he will help me with the other chores.

your characters back story:

I was Taemin fan since their debut. So I didn't really like Onew. But when Onew often appears in variety shows, I slowly starting to like Onew and become his fan. I was also a part-time worker at a shopping mall. One day, Onew and come to my work place to buy some clothes. As worker, I has to help the customer to choose clothes. I was the one that has to help Onew at that time. My face turn into deep red  when I was with him but luckly Onew was kind of slow to notice about it. Before Onew go pay for his clothes, I took the chance to ask for his sign and take a few pictures with him. At first I thought he was going to say no, but beyond my expectation he say yes. After done signing and took pictures, he went to pay up. And before he and leave all the girls worker gather up and ask for their sign. While they doing that, I just step aside and went to the next shop to avoid from hearing the girls squeling.

password [random trivial fact about your partner:

Onew blood type is O.


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