super junior treasure dvd

So, since my birthday is coming up, my mom said she would get me the Super Junior DVD since I helped her take care of our dogs while she was at work. Since I am now moving in with her, she asked me if I had anything speacial I wanted and I told her yeah and what not. But I was curious for those who had the DVD, how was it. I've only seen previews for it and so far I like it. But, is it worth the steep $65 price tag I found on yesasia, or what?

Someone please tell me so that I'm not wasting my mothers money or our time. I love suju, but I need to know if I should just wait to see it on youtube or what. If you can help, thanks.


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your mom is sweet!!!
my birthday is tomorrow and no one will give me a present.
Is it sub in english? Because it would totally worth it D:
You shouldn't buy it on Yesasia at all. Kpopmart sells it way cheaper and it will be delivered sooner to

I did a review of the DVD if you want to watch it:

I got mine for $48 on Kpoptown
for me, well yeah some of the fans upload it on youtube and i think i can watch it over there.
you can maybe not buy that sj dvd and try to replace it with sj's upcoming 7jib so you don't have to waste it or something..
but yeah, it's so great to have that dvd but i think you should buy the 7jib than the dvd
fans might upload it with a high definition quality :)
It's not a waste, i think? I ordered it too for 4,000 Php in my country's currency. Though some people are uploading the videos. I would still get it, but you have to save some money for the 7jib, since that's our main priority :D
tanzi666 #7
you can get it on amazon for cheeper.......... all six disks have an hour of bonus/BTS and it's already subbed so I would get it.