Story of my life

You probably have heard it already, Robin Williams died and he (probably) commited suicide. My regards go out to his family.


Suicide isn't something that should be taken lightly and many people actually don't really understand what its like to be there. Some people here know what happened to me and what I went through but some people don't.

This video should be an encouragement (even though it maybe doens't look like it XD)

I am apologizing for my ugly sobbing and my stuttering and mad English in that video before. There are a few things I haven't mentione in the video, which happened to me, and that is because I was quite emotional at that time^^;;;


Anyways, I hope you watch it and maybe it gives you something to think about^^



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stay strong! Wish you the best ;)
It's alright akacchiin-chan ~ I also have family issues and i can totally understand you, but it's just that I have two older sisters and one brother that my issue seemed at least smaller a bit cause we were all suffering and we supported eatch other and raised ourselves by ourselvs because our parents never really cared about us and about what makes us happy or sad ( i'm say'n they don't give a fcck about us ) but you have to stay strong and never give up on life because there's always something beautiful comming ^^ our life is just like the sea, there are waves, they come and go ( i'm still talking abt that sh/t cause i almost drawned yesterday OMG i'm still thankful to that guy )
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I know that it's a very personal subject so it must've been really hard for you to talk about it openly. Lately I've been feeling very helpless but after watching this, you made me realize that people have it worse. I can't even imagine what you've been thru but I hope things would turn better for you after all you deserve the best. Thank you for not giving up on yourself and thank you for sharing this. You should be really proud of yourself after everything that you've accomplished, you're really strong and I admire you for that. Please stay strong for the rest of your life and stay happy because you deserves it. You're such an inspiration and it hurts to see that you and your family have suffered so much. It's your dads lost because he's missing out on a wonderful, strong and talented daughter. Stay strong, stay happy and stay beautiful because you're worth it.
Lorenzoella #4
I thank your sister's bladder for that IMPECCABLE timing!! Sorry author-nim that's my way of cheering you up and saying thank God you're with us today! Alive and writing fanfics ;)
Please hear me out. :)
I complain about life because of school (dramatic, I know) but after watching your video, I realized that some people have it much harder. Life is twisted in ways that the people we learned to rely on or grew up relying on morph into snakes and end up biting us. For example, that sadistic step-father of yours and those conniving "friends" you had. Sometimes it takes bad experiences to separate worthy people from the horned ones. It's unfair that you had to go through such painful experiences to be able to unmask the people around you. I applaud your bravery. Sharing this story with us meant that you had to playback painful memories from the past. Memories you most probably wanted to lock up and set aside. This recount of your story would heighten my and other's awareness of the consequences of bullying and abuse. Thank you for reminding us how precious every single soul is, how precious loyalty is, how precious untainted love (either from family or friends) is, and lastly how precious encouragement and support are to those who are it the brink of suicidal thoughts or depression. Thank you once again author nim for sharing this to us.
Thank you for being strong and hanging in there. You're precious. Continue loving your sister and your mother. they're your real family. You can call other people your extended family but no matter what, they'll be the number one source of your strength. I'm being redundant but, thank you again.
Best of everything author nim
Jeez, I wouldn't have thought that I'll exceed the character count on the comment section :)
I just wanted to say thank you again for your motivational video and for all the awesome stories you gift us with.
Please have a good time with your family and forgive me if I overstepped some boundaries :)
Always your internet fan :)
I am so thankful to you for sharing your life with us, strangers..
I never would have guessed that you even thought about suicide.
From your activity here on AFF,I always pictured you a happy person,well..not that happy ( like bubbly happy ), but happy nonetheless :) .
I reckon that it happened when you were little and that you conquered your past, no? Seeing you cry made me cry too, and I wish that it would have never happened to you. I now realize that even though bad things happen to us, we should never give up on life (it sounds cliché, but it's true ).
I was never in a similar situation and I don't know exactly how to feel about this subject,so please don't be harsh on me if I sound conceited..
It's a good thing that you thought about your sister and your mother and never made the step. Because the person you are now is really beautiful and valuable to her family :)
Your past experiences made you who you are today,a really strong girl with an amazing imagination and mad skills in writing. That's the only things I know about you, but I'm sure you're awesome in many other ways.
I now understand parts of your stories, like really understand from where your inspiration came when writing the characters. Always strong and powerful girls, just like yourself :) .
I would really like a friend like you. I'm happy that you're happy, having a good time in your native country ( I always wondered if you were born in Germany or in another country, but was to afraid to ask ).
Shopping always makes us happy :)
Thank you for telling us your experience with life and I wish one day I'll meet you on some street in some town in Germany ( I don't live that far and I want to move to Germany after I graduate school ) and recognize you and give you a bag of chips and maybe a hug (it sounded creepy, but I'm not creepy, I swear ).
You are now officially on my hugging list :) If I ever get to see you in person. Also chips are my favorite snack, and that's why I would gift them to you :)
i was really hoping to see you since that first post about your experience.... i really feel you. i've been there.... and i'm happy to know you've get through all of it. :)
I didn't know that you have experienced those things. I'm really really shocked. The pain you felt that time must be very unbearable. I didn't experienced getting abused, but I did get laughed at because of my skin color. You're a really strong woman. You're one of my inspirations. Whenever I feel lonely and I just want to get away from everything, I read and your stories help me a lot. I just want to quote something from the story "Sonia" by Francisco Icasiano(a Filipino writer). He said that, "Broken with pain, the soul dies to be reborn, stronger and more beautiful; enriched and ennobled by sorrow, the artist in the man rises above himself; shorn of all fineries and pettiness - all none - essential, in a word, the artist flows naturally towards the infinite whither all artistic effort must be directed." I can feel that you have a great future ahead of you, who bring happiness to others. I hope you find your happiness too and live a fruitful and fulfilling life. Fighting!
Its never easy to share with others what u've been thru and that just proves how strong u've become, u've managed to turn things around and turn the negatives into positives. Never blame urself for what happened, nobody, especially a child should experience what u've been thru.
Every time u post a blog or video all I see is a strong and focused individual, I admire that in a person.
Stay strong and positive Parisa, u have the love and support of family and friends (even here on AFF) remember that always. ^^ <3
When i start to read your stories i always thoughts there's something behind them. And then i looked your blogs and i read that blog about your life. And then everything about your stories and your characters became more powerful for me. Because all of that fantasies are not just a pure imaginarium, they also got something... something sad but something powerful. And it's always amazed me how powerful you are. Because you are so -i am meaning every single letter- so strong. I think i am really lucky because i never taste the real pain. But i've got some friends that who tried to kill themselves. And i couldn't say anything to them because they said that i will never understand them because i never felt that way. Maybe they were right maybe not but since someone like you -who lived and fought with all of the pain- speaking about all of this i hope and i believe it will give people hope.
Thank you Aka-chan. Not just because the adventures on your stories, thanks for also the power and the happiness you gave us.
I really hope that -and also praying- everything will be perfect and good in your life, in your mother life -'cause you always told that she's the most strong woman in the world and i'm sure she is- and also in your sister's life. I really hope for that and i'm always happy to read your blogs and your life and how happy you are -maybe you realized that i usually read your blogs xD- so even if i love your stories i love your blogs too...
And also! Your tears show how strong you are :) -hehe i think i talk more than you xD
Locketlover #11
First of all I think you are very brave to be putting this up on the internet and I think you made a good decision because you may have helped others who are stuck as well. I used to have a minor depression when I was young, but luckily I quickly got over it. I guess it was more of a feeling down period in my life. I didn't want to eat and I didn't want to see anyone (I wasn't anorexic I just wasn't hungry). I was recently in health class and I was shocked by the statistics of how many people are in abusive situations. I find it scary how you don't really know who could be abusive. To anyone who is bullied or abused there are hotlines that you can call if you don't have anyone to talk to. If you are being abused, don't be afraid to reach out for help. I know people are afraid of breaking up their family if you call for help but your safety is more important. Lastly, akacchiin, please don't blame yourself for not getting help sooner!